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God at work

Paul’s life was FULL of things that God used to prepare him for ministry. Since Paul was raised as a Pharisee, he already knew a majority of scripture. Paul also had Roman and Jewish citizenship, which made it a lot easier to get put of trouble. I have no idea of how God will use me. So far, I don’t really feel called to do anything special.


This is a picture of our PBL project table. I had a lot of fun doing this. My group worked pretty well together. I had a lot of fun setting up our display. If I could, I would definitely do this again.

Science tower

This is our tower. I think we will fail. Our tower is very flimsy.

Pythagorean Theorem Project

This was our word problem.

This project was hard to do because we kept disagreeing on EVERYTHING.

We finally finished it but it took a really long time. it is about a skateboard ramp.

Chain project

This is our chain. We used pipe cleaners, paper, rubber bands, string, and tape. We have tested our chain before, and it just barely held. I think that it will probably break because when we tested it, the rubber bands were really stretching far. We didn’t use popsicle sticks… I don’t know how we would have been able to.

Beginning of the year reflections

I am super excited for this new, and last, school year at ZCS. One thing that I have enjoyed this year so far has been social studies, because Mrs. Roskamp makes it 100% hands on kind of stuff. One thing that I have learned this year so far was that math kills. One thing that I am looking forward to this year is leading the seventh grade flag girls and showing them how it’s done.

Making a boat

In science class, we had to make a boat and then race it. It took us a really long time to make it and we tested it A LOT. We call our boat The S.S. Awesome Sauce. For some reason, our boat just skid along the side of the water track thingy. For our first trial time, we had the fastest time of 7.8 seconds. Our second trial time was the winning time of 7.48. WE GOT AN A+!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I did over the summer

This summer I had a lot of fun! Here are some things that I did over the summer!

We went camping at Dutch Treat campgrounds at least twice, staying there for three days or more.

We went swimming in our lake quite a few times too. I sometimes brought friends over to swim with us! Whenever I go swimming in the lake I always keep an eye out for leeches, because a lot of people have gotten them before! Usually my friend Kyla won’t go out very far because she is afraid that she’ll get another leech.

We also took a four day trip to mackinaw city! it took us five hours and 34 minutes just to get there, and even longer to get back home! On the third day of camping there, we took a ferry over to the island with our bikes, so we wouldn’t have to rent bikes on the island. We biked all eight miles around the island and saw a bunch of cool things along the way! One time we stopped at a sandbar to look for petosky stones. The sandbar was more of a rockbar though… we hurt our feet a lot as we were wading in the water!

Overall, I had a great summer!

Africa Simulation

When we first started this simulation, a lot of us categorized where you were from by how you looked.

when we took a survey, a lot of us got a lot of questions wrong because of how we judged that people in pictures. I only got 10/22, mostly because I was only paying attention to MY way of telling people apart.

After the survey, each of us was given a playing card. You were put into multiple situations, some bad, some good, depending on what was on your card. I got a lot of good situations, but I got some bad ones too.

I learned that some kids in South Africa die before they even turn a year old. I also learned that, in Africa, a lot of people do actually have cell phones, but not cell towers or landlines. Also, not very many people have it, but some people do have Wi-Fi, even though only a small percentage of that is good Wi-Fi.


HEY GUYS ITS HAMSTER-LOVER HERE!!! just wanna let you guys know, I did change my Youtube username to ten30897. The only reason why I did it is that its easier to spread the word about my channel. I’m really sorry if the change has caused any confusion!

Europe Unit

We had a unit in social studies where we simulated the life of living in Europe.

I was from Poland.

Some challenges that I faced were, whenever I wanted to go to a country that was far away, I had to go through customs for every other country in my way. It was really annoying because sometimes the line would be really big even though I didn’t want to be in that country.

One challenge I faced as a worker was, whenever someone would come through customs and want Polish money, it would take me quite a while to find what money they had, and how much they lost.

Every country had most of the situations under control. Germany by far had the most tourists. Probably because it was a big country and it was right in the way of everyone.

Themes Of The Old Testament

Names of God

God had many names and many people in the bible had names that told us something.

Some names of God are: El- which means creator, or powerful God. This name is showing us that God is in control. Another name of God is Yahweh which means He was a God who wanted a personal relationship. That is saying that God wants to be closer to us.  God’s names also show what He’s like. Names like Yahweh Nissi, or “God is My Banner” show that God is over us.

These names help me to understand a little bit more about who God is to me as well.   My visual is a sticker, stating your name. I chose this as my visual because when you write your name on one of these stickers, everyone can see it and know your name.

Image result for hello my name is


A covenant is a promise with usually two or more people.   

An example of a covenant in the Old Testament was when God told Abraham that he would get many children.  What a covenant with God means to me is you promise him and he promises you

I have a covenant with God too. We all do. My covenant with God is that I will go to heaven if I let him take control of my life. I think that I need to work on my part of the covenant a bit more because I sin a lot still. What is your covenant with God?  

I chose a wedding ring as my visual because when you get married you are with your spouse for life. You have to promise to be with them until death.

Image result for Wedding ring


Have you ever wondered what the name Israel means? Israel means “struggles with God”

This name is very important because it shows us that Israel was God’s people, yet they struggled with him so much. God taught them so much about him, yet they still had a lot to learn about serving him the right way.

We don’t always know what God will do with our lives, but we have to trust that he will do good for us, even if it is bad at first.

On doubt that I have with God is trusting him to guide my life in the right direction.

The conflict and doubt between God and Israel kind of amazes me. Israel sinned so much but God always forgave them. How did he deal with them?

My visual is a question mark because so many people doubted God.

Image result for question mark


When God calls us to do something, we should trust him and do it.

God called Abraham To follow him to a new land. Abraham had to trust that God would keep him safe along the journey. We are called still today. In some way different than others.

We have to trust God’s plan for our lives. Often parts of his plans are way out of our comfort zones. To me, when I know that I am being called by God, I get a frustrated. “Why would God put me through this? Surely this isn’t God. I am doing this by coincidence.”

Often we think that. God will lead you! You have to trust him.

My visual is a calendar. You use a calendar to see if you are available.

Are you available for God’s calling?

Image result for calendar

Symbol of a lamp

In the Bible, God promises that his lamp will never go out through the line of David.

God blessed David with a line of descendants that would rule Judah forever.

The lamp is the symbol of God’s promise with David.

To me the lamp is the symbol of Jesus Christ coming and saving us.

What does the lamp look like to you?

My visual is a torch because, to me, a torch it the sign of protection.

God sent Jesus to earth to protect us from darkness, or sin. A torches’ fire chases away darkness, just like Jesus chased away sin.

Image result for Torch

A Savior

People all over the world needed a savior. God saw all of their sins and how desperate they were so he sent Jesus to save them. The people needed a new covenant because they couldn’t keep their original covenant with God. Their new covenant was not written on stone like their old one. God sent Jeremiah to give the people their new covenant, which was based on grace.

That covenant was fulfilled through Jesus Christ. What this means to me is God used man to bring the covenant a he used his son to fulfill the covenant. My visual is an IPhone 4s next to an Iphone 6 plus. The Iphone 4s is a sign for the old covenant and the Iphone 6 is a sign the new covenant.

Image result for Iphone 4s next to Iphone x


Joseph was sold into slavery, yet he still saved his family. Moses was born into slavery yet he followed God and led the Israelites out of Egypt. People wanted to hurt others and that was was bad, but God turned that into something good. What this is saying to me is God turns anything bad into lots of good things. I have been hurt in a lot of ways, but they all have turned into a great lesson for me later on. My visual is a person knocking on a door because it shows God “knocking on our door” to tell us to forget about the bad things and turn them good.

Image result for Knocking on a door

Sent to a Promised Land

God’s people were wandering in the desert, having to trust him the whole way. They had to cross the Jordan river and go through Jericho. You had to obey God, and then he would bless you. If you disobeyed God, there would be a consequence. When God’s people really needed something, he would provide for them with manna and quails. To me this means that God only provided what we needed, so that we would not wander away from him, thinking that we didn’t need him. My visual is a GPS because when we go somewhere new, we have to trust the GPS to take us there.

Image result for GPS

Native American documentary

Yesterday, the whole 7th grade got to go to the Saugatuck center of the arts.

We got to watch a documentary on native american tribes living in west Michigan to this very date.

I learned a lot more about their culture and what they believe.

There is and indian tribe in standing rock. those indians are fighting against the government because their will be construction on a water access pipeline.

A long time ago, indian children were taken away from their families by the government, and sent to boarding schools. The punishment for misbehaving was getting beaten and sometime the children would get beaten so much, that, they would die. when at child at the boarding schools would die, instead of sending the body back to it’s parents, they just threw them into a river.


Living On One Dollar A Day

Today we got to watch a document on people in poverty and how life was for them.

These four teenage boys lived in america and then over their summer they lived in Guatemala to simulate poverty.

I feel kind of guilty because, those people in poverty have nothing and are fighting for survival, while we americans sit back and relax and don’t have to worry about what we are going to eat the next day.

That documentation really helped me understand just how bad it can be to live in poverty.

No human being on this earth deserves to go through such a horrible thing.

Some kids in poverty have to drop out of school because they need to work in fields so that they can get more money and supplies for their family.

When I get older, I hope that I can help stop poverty.

Funny photo op

culture blog post #5


parte uno:

Yo escuela esta Decroly. Sus herramientas educativas son valiosas.

Parte dos:

Sonora es al lado de Chihuahua.

Durango es debajo de Chihuahua.

Baja California sur es cerca de Sinola.





Culture blog post #4

algunas clases en México son física, biología y química. es lo que mayoría de los estudiantes. Algunos niños no van a la escuela.


La escuela en México comienza a las 8:30 y termina a las 2:30
Ellos comen el almuerzo a las 12:00

Culture blog post #3

Este es un joven bailando hombre

Aquí están algunas mujeres viejas con niños
Estas son algunas mujeres jóvenes bailando con vestidos bonitos

Culture post #2

cinco pasatiempos de los niños en México ser Robar el sombrero, Baile Mexicano del Sombrero, Brincar la cuerda, Piedra tijera papel, y piñata


Image result for picture of mexican kids playing games


tres comidas populares de México ser Ceviche, Elote, y Fideo.


go to this link!!!!!!!!!



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