Roller Coaster Project March-28-2014

In Science we made Roller Coasters with our Science groups and my group was Jaclyn,Jonathan,Matthew,and I.

Our roller coaster went well because we all used Teamwork.

We started our Roller Coaster on cupboard and then we curved it around a bin and at the end we had a loop and then it ended on the other side of the desk.

Here is a picture of our Roller Coaster and my team members by our roller coaster…

Photo on 2014-03-27 at 13.59

The materials we used were Foam pipe insulation, tape, marble, and paper rolls.

The marble were the people in the Roller Coaster.
The Foam pipe insulation was the track of the Roller Coaster.
The tape helped tape the two foam pipe insulation stick together.

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