
I liked this movie. I enjoyed how they went back and forth in between scenes. I also learned some more things such as how Nelson was in jail for 27 years. It suprised me how many white people were there compared to the blacks.

Film Festival

Today we went to the film festival. I enjoyed the one with the 3 girls and one that was last and also the one when the boy didn’t go to school and they skyped each other when they were at school. That one made a impact in my life a little bit. Just seeing how in the USA not to far away there are people who struggle. I think for me its easier for me to help people in need who are out of the USA and who we hear a lot more about. Just to realize how hard it is for them and how some of them have to live in RV’S is kind of challenging in my life. With all of the girls it made a difference because girls aren’t always wimps that can’t do anything, but it shows that we can do everything just like everyone else can.

The one that I disliked most was the last one with skiing. Because the girl who was skiing was amazing but we didn’t get to know who she was just like most of the other films. It did show her skills, but it didn’t show a story as much. I also disliked the Island one because they didn’t have a story behind that either and I think story is the biggest part in the films.

I enjoyed all of the films. I went in not knowing how much I would enjoy it, but they were all amazing and made my perspective very different then I thought. Some didn’t show the story as much but they all were cool and some of them had a amazing story, it was funny, and so much more.






Hunting The Elements

I learned a lot about diffrent words and diffrent things that go on in the science life. I learned about what some of the elements make. I learned that magnets can repel sharks. It was intresting to see how some things are so cool but can do such cool things. They would put the magnet over the shark and it would repel. They showed that they could make glass out of sand. It was so amazing because you would never think those things could creat that. The coolest thing in the document was the shark. I learned a lot of new things with this video.

Bible Exam










Sinai Law


Sent to Promise Land


Salute to a King


Symbol of a Lamp

Something is Rotten


Slide to Destruction


A Savior



Martin Luther King Jr.

How have MLK’S dreams come true in your mind?
– Now we arent all about dividing up the skin color. Instead we have decided that its ok to have black and white people on the same sport team. Now we dont have signs that say no white people. People use to have a fit about having black and white people together and they would always make people from a diffrent color stay away from each other. Now people are more aganist the black instead of the white.

How is it not the dream?

– The dream did not come true because there is still some racist that goes on around the world. But luckly there is not near as much.


DIY Instrument

The instrument that I made is a PVC pipe that has diffrent materials put on to the PVC. It is suppose to be like somewhat like a guitar. We then move the rubber band, headband, and fishing line. It changes pitches because once you pick the materials because they are all diffrent sizes. Some of the challenges we ran into was how it was change pitches because we werent sure how they would be able to have the materials to stay on the PVC pipe.

Life Here in my City

Here I find myself sitting and cooking dinner for the family. This is my life. My name is Betty, I am a young women. My dad comes home talking about the kings. Trying to give me lessons of how the king’s rule and only a few people are in the hands of our government. He goes on about how the government is all old people. I go on and ask questions. I ask him why they all have to be over the age of 60 because they all will die sooner or later. He laughs at me and goes on about government and people coming to him and complaining.  My family and I live up in the mountains where we grow grapes and olive trees. I am married to a soldier named Jonas. As a woman here I have just about all the same rights as men. But I know that in other city states they don’t have the same rights we do. Once my husband passes away I get his homestead. I don’t get to wear colorful designs unlike Athens. I wear dull clothing. If my husbands is gone for too long at war, I would have all the rights to remarry. A lot of citizens in Sparta have slaves, which we call helots. We treat our slaves very harshly because we don’t want the spartans to revolt on us. At times our government will declare war against our helots so that we can kill any slaves that we think are going to revolt on us. On the good side we always would win. The helots also had a few rights but not as many as we did here in Sparta. They were allowed to marry whoever they wanted and whenever they wanted to. Some people in Sparta would pass their own names on to their kids. People would try to earn enough money so they could buy their own freedom. In Sparta they had a strict rule saying if a baby did not appear healthy and strong, it would be left to die on a hillside. All children from 7 would be trained to fight. In Sparta it wasn’t only the boys that got military training, girls also got the training. My children would go to school and were learned how to wrestle, box, foot race and gymnastics. My son was taught to suffer any amount of physical pain that they had without complaining.

What I have learned in 6th Grade


This year I have learned new ideas and things in all subjects and all of the areas in school. In all classes it is important for us to talk as a table group so that we don’t learn just from our teacher but also from classmates and calibrate with one another. In social studies we were focusing on Buddhism and Hinduism and learning more about what they believe and why. We had the time to dig deeper in why it is so important for us to learn about other religions than just our religion. One of the reasons that it is important to study other religions is that we can have a more effective and meaningful conversations about what we believe in and why we believe what we believe. In Choir I am learning to find my voice. In Reading we are reading about Chinese Folk Tales. In L.A we are writing betters sentences and paragraphs. In Math I am was learning how to find the mean, median, mode, and range.


I have learned so many different skills in all classes. Our theme this year is Shout silently and I have been able to see different ways of people shouting silently not just in our community but also in our school. In bible I have learned how to pray and how to become humble. Language Arts we are learning about Mechanics through 1st and 6th grade and how we can write better sentences.

Egypt Museum Exhibt

The last 3 weeks the sixth grade was assigned to work in groups and work on a Egypt project. The first 2 weeks we watched movies had people who experienced Egypt talk to us and read a book. That helped us as a sixth grade team to get our minds explore the culture of Egypt. We focused on STRAWGS which stands for Stable Food Supply,Technology,Religion,Arts,Writing,Government, and Social Structure. We all got put into groups with 4 or 5. Each group had to collaborate together and then agree on two of the 7 Egyptian civilizations. My group decided to focus on Arts and Stable Food Supply. The members in my group are… Kayllie Brus, Nicole Rees, Josie VanDam, and me, Kennedy Heyboer. Our exhibit went well.

While doing the Egypt project as a group and some with the grade there were some thing thats I learned over time. A lot of it came off of STRAWGS. One certain thing is based on Stable food supply. In Egypt there stable food supply was very important for them. There was the upper and lower class. They would fight over the the food. Only one of them would win. In ancient Egypt they all would want to live by the nile because that way they could get clean water and it was the only dry place that they had. Arts they would put their feelings and emotions on paintings no matter if it would be on the side of highways or in museums.

In the beginning of this whole Egypt project I thought to my self we never are going to use this is in life. Why are we even doing this we never will use any of this later in life. But then getting to the end of this whole entire Egypt project if someone would come up to me and say now since you are done with the Egypt project do you think it is useful or will you use it later in life and I would say “yes I think it is useful later in life.” I think it would be useful because if I would ever want to go travel to Egypt. I think it helped me because then I get the feel of really being with different friends so 4 reasons are Friendship, Collaborative, and Leadership and Learning.


This year we get to do math on our own pace which is helpful because some are slower and some are faster then other. We can work with or without a partner. This week for Math I have been dealing with equations of either dividing, multiplying, subtraction, or addition.  I struggled with a few but after watching videos of Dr.Burger, and asking help from teachers I figured out how to do it. I just took the quiz Friday and I am going to take the test on Monday. I will then be going on to chapter 2 which will deal with decimals. I have learned you have to show your work other wise you will have to redo it so I also know not to do it in our heads. That is what I did in math this week.