October 22

The Mall of America


A human characteristics in the US is the Mall of America. It is located in MN. The adres is 60 E Broadway, Blooming, MN 55425. The date that it was constructed is August 11, 1992. Its purpose is cause people will come to the Mall of America. To more money. And so people from all around the world can come to it. Some other information is that you could fit 258 Statues of Liberty in it. If you spent 10 minutes in every store it would take you 86 hours. It cost more than $650 to build Mall of America in 1992.

October 10

Rocky Mountains

I went to the Rocky Mountains with my friends and family. We discovered that the Rocky Mountains are stretched over Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. East of it is Kansas and West of it is Nevada. The highest spot is is the place in Mt Elbert in Colorado. Is 14,433 feet. Colorados Pike’s Peake, is the place were most of the people go to.imgres

October 10

Mi animal


Su nombre es Katie. Es predador por sus garras. Sus caracteristicas fisicas son sus garras y brazos y piernas para ser mas rapido. Ojos grande para ver mejor. Orejas grandes para oir mas bien. Tambien tiene una boca grande para comer mejor.

October 3

Outdoor Discovery Center

At the Outdoor Discovery Center we had to try to catch animals and insects at the wetland. My partner was Isabella and together we caught two fish and tons of other cool stuff. We also saw some birds who got hart in car accidents and one of them did not know how to catch food or anything at all. We also walked around and saw some cool stuff. I rode in the car with Kiria,Isabella and Gavin and Kirias mom was driving.