January 28

Martin Luther King , JR.

Martin Luther King jr. was a man who fought for independence, he was a very important leader, someone who people respect. Martin Luther King jr. was someone who people could count on, and here are a few things that had happened in his life. Martin Luther King jr. was born on January 15, 1929.  He was a minister from taking over from his father, Martin Luther King. Since he was young he had always been separated from the white girls and white boys and he could never play with them because everyone would separate them. He never liked it that he could never played with the white people. They also had separate drinking fountains and they had to go to different schools. When he grew up, this was still happening, so he decided to do something about that. So he fought for independence, and he had a dream. He had a dream that slaves and slave owners will sit together, black and white, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics will come together and will hold hands and sing free at last! free at last! Like Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream to, in my dream there was peace in the world, everyone loved one another, everyone believed in God, and everyone was there self and how God created us to be.

January 14

My secret snow structure

If I had endless time and endless people to help out, and if I made it all out of ice this is what I would make. I would make a building made out of ice, and we’re not talking about any old building, we’re talking about a really, really, really big building that’s new, beautiful and fun. Inside this building I would have a ice rank, we’re everyone would be able to go in. A ice rank were even if you can’t ice skate, (like me) you can learn how to ice skate. Also in my building there would be a place full of games, I mean FULL of games, from top to bottom, bottom to top. There would also be a room were you can play all sports (It’s really big.) There would also be a swimming pool and a hot tub. There would be rooms of scientists, places to go when you want to learn math and finally a library. This library would have all of the books there are, so as you can guess, it’s really, really big. Also there would be a room with sofa’s, and lots of comfy stuff. And last a movie room, were there are all movies and a really comfy place to watch the movies. I would use it for when people are stressed out or when they want to relax, they go here.

January 7

The Best Part of My Christmas Vacation and How I saw God at work in My life.

The best part of my christmas vacation is when me and my family (my mom, dad, and Elia) go to my mom’s work to sing and tell the story of Jesus birth. Also this year my grandpa and grandma from my mom’s side came to help us. My grandpa is a pastor so he used the slide show that he made and he read something that he preaches on Christmas day. So this year, unlike last year, we had no idea what songs we were singing until christmas day (a.k.a. the day that we were performing on.) So as you have probably realized by now that it was going to be wild. Also to make it crazier we had not gone through it once with my grandparents. But on christmas day right after church we practiced, and practiced, and practiced until I, well, until I had a very, very sore throat. The day before I had a sore throat to, but this was bad. Anyway right before people started coming into the auditorium we had it practiced well enough to go on, and I drank lots of water (Just to be safe, I even had a very full water bottle right beside me.) We were ready. No one was nervous, we were going to play it cool. So my mom works at Freedom Village (it’s a place for retired people.) So when we had started singing and performing, that was the best part of my christmas vacation, to see all of those people smiling at us, some people who did not have family’s to go to, it was awesome.

I saw God at work in my life then because God had us go to sing to those people, to make them feel better and happy. My mom had talked to one of the residents there and her husband had died, and one of her sons. She had one more son, but he lived in Florida, so she was very happy to see us performing, so that’s very cool how God let her see us.