Final Fourth Grade BLOG

Fourth Grade was very fun

But summer has become number one

  • My Favorite Bible story was David and Goliath
  • My favorite it moment in Fourth Grade was meeting my teacher Mr. Commeret
  • My favorite project was Market Day
  • My favorite Blog post was Our Market Day Commercial
  • My Favorite Song from fourth grade is My Lighthouse
  • My favorite part that i’m looking for this summer is going to a friends cottage
  • My favorite part about my teacher is his love about us




Scene 1 Script


Tom: Jeffrey, I. Why are you marrying my mom?

Jeffrey: ‘Cause I can do whatever I want.

Tom: I’m going outside.

(Wait a couple seconds)

Elizabeth: Get out of this house.

Jeffrey: Why do I have to?

Elizabeth: Cause it’s my house, and I have the rights to do it!

Jeffrey: OK. Call me.

Elizabeth. Not happening.


Scene 2 Script


Tom: I’m going to bring the new Refrigerator styrofoam box to play with.

(Tom finds the styrofoam)

Tom: And I’m going to find a stick to use as a paddle.

Tom: Row, Row, Row, Your Boat, gently down the stream.

Scene 3 Script


(Tom falls off styrofoam piece)

Tom: Help me, Help Me

(Tom ran right into rock, and lands on rock)

Tom: Ugh!

(Tom is breathless)

Tom: Where am I?

(Tom looks in the distance)

Tom: And is that a dog chewing on a dead man?


Scene 4 Script


(Tom moves closer)

Tom: It is! There’s blood everywhere!

(Looking at Argus)

Tom: Hello, I’m Tom, what’s your name?

Argus: Rough, Rough

Tom: I’ll name you Argus!

Argus: Rough, rough


Scene 5 Script


(Tom is playing with Argus)

Tom: You are a good dog

Tom: Yes you are, Yes you are

Tom: OK, I’ve got to tell you something

Tom: I have to determine if I want to follow you, or leave you behind?

Tom: What do you think?


Scene 6 Script


(Tom looks in the distance)

Tom: I think I see a man up ahead.

Nestor: Hello, I’m Nestor

Tom: Hi, i’m Tom. Tom Hammond

Nestor: Hi Tom. That is my dog by your side.

(Tom is looking gloomy)

Tom: Oh


Scene 7 Script


(Tom is at his house) (He finds Phil and Reg)

Elizabeth: All of you, get out of my house.

Reg: Are you talking about me, or that Rif Raf

(Pointing at Phil) (Drawing the black gun)

(Then Reg brings out his gun)

Reg: Goodbye Phil

(Phil is shot in the back of the head)