African Union Day.

During African union day we each had our own countries and resolutions we tried to pursway the other group to vote for our resolution and sign it.  The most significant thing a learned was that you need to have people like you and vote for you so you get more votes and signatures on your resolutions. My favorite thing was that it felt real having moderators and voting for stuff. My least favorite thing was too many people didn’t listen to the resolutions and just voted for their friends and voted NO on everything else. Another frustrating thing was my group had like the exact same resolution as the group that won and nobody voted for us and everybody voted for them.

Apartheid Response

The relationships changed throughout the movie like when the Jersey Kid turned down the free jersey they offered him and at the end he wore it. Another relationship that changed was Francois Pinaar when he got invited to the presidents house for tea. The Francois basically made the whole team to pick up their game.  I also think that the team’s mindset was changed when they got to see Mandela’s jail cell. I also think Mandela’s relationship changed when he had convinced the board not to change their jerseys and all that stuff. I also think Mandela’s relationship was changed when Francois gave him a Bokke/springbox hat.

This represented South Africa post-apartheid by having both black and whites untied together on the same team and both cheering for the same team in the crowd.  It represented South Africa by segregating them together. I also thought it represented post-aparthied when they went to that school and whites and black were united together and played rugby together at the school and made all the kids days when they arrived and left, and like before all the spring box games the kids would all chase the bus to were it would park, and when they would run around the neighborhoods and the kids would run with them and encourage them. I also thought it was really cool when Mandela would come out before games and after games and they would all chant NELSON, NELSON, NELSON.

European Union

One thing that was frustrating yesterday was that it was hard to get from place to place. With the new EU citizen thing it was easier except for doing it with U.K. or Poland. I tried to avoid going to those countries. Today was also better than yesterday because we didn’t have to exchange as much and do all that much. It was also a pain to wait in line for people who took a long time yesterday too.

Amazon Land Use.

I am defending the Environmentalist because they are not trying to harm the rainforest and are just studying plants by it and finding ways to cure plants. The Environmentalist have only tried to protect the rainforest and stop the clearing of it. The Environmentalist are only trying to protect the rainforest and its plants and animals in it. The Environmentalist also allow the rubber tappers to come in tap their trees because they are not trying to harm the rainforest.

I disagree with the loggers and cattle ranchers because they are trying to clear the rainforest and are just making a mess of it. I also disagree with the settlers because they are burning down the rainforest which also kills plants and animals which is harming everybody. I also disagree with the native Amazonians because they are killing animals in the rainforest.


Immigration Day

Immigration Day

                         Immigration day was a great experience for me, I never really realized how hard life could be somewhere else and how hard moving somewhere else could be as well. One person that spoke to be us was Jean Luc. Jean talked to us about how when he first moved here he didn’t know much english and how he went to a restaurant and tried to order but the waitress couldn’t understand him and so his friend ended up ordering for him and he ended up getting a Hamburger and said it tasted nasty and he has never ordered one again. Jean Luc also told us once he got to Michigan it was winter and he walked outside and it was icy and he slipped on the ice and fell on his hand and dislocated his finger and ended up going to the IR and having it put back in place. He said that he found out that the medical bills in america are way more expensive too and that he could have gone all the way back to Honduras got his finger put back in place and drove all the way back for about the same price. He said that after that he went to the store and boutght himself a pair of boots because he didn’t want to slip on the ice again. He also told us that the weather in Michigan is way different then the weather is in Honduras.

I think was important for us to hear about because else we won’t have a perspective of what immigrating is like and realize how difficult it can be to just get a visa like J.P. Did. I think Immigration day affected me greatly by getting to hear other peoples experiences of immigrating somewhere and all the struggles they had to go thru to come to the U.S.

Hearing these people share about their immigration story’s definitely changed my perspective on immigration and I learned that it can be much more difficult to immigrate somewhere then I thought. I really never knew that you had to go thru so much to immigrate, I just thought you would have to get your stuff and move there and I learned that is much more difficult then that like when J.P. moved here and had to stand in knee deep water and hope to get a visa when barely anybody there even got one. I also think it was really cool that J.P. Told us that his mom said that if it is God’s will for you to get a visa he will make the crabby lady give you it, and if he doesn’t want you to get it he won’t give it to you, and the crabby lady ended up giving him the visa and he was the only one that day to get a visa out of like 1,000 people. I would definitely say that I am glad I got to hear all the people talk that did, and I think it changed my perspective on immigration big time and i’m really glad I got this experience.