6th grade what if project

last week Tuesday we went to Hayworth and learned the process of designing. then we went to the library and wet our clients Mr. Klunder and Mrs. deru from the  city of zeeland. so the first thing we did when we got done we that is we went to Heritage square. we went there later and found that it is almost 100 feet long from the end of heritage square to the end of the lot. then when we got back to school we looked through the project brief and highlighted the important parts and wrote them on sticky notes. so then we put the sticky notes in to  groups. then we voted on the topics we wanted to use in a matrix we were making. now a matrix is a grid that has a term on one side and another on the top. kinda like this.

core design features

_______________________this could be houses___________________

trends          |here could be trees|this would be tree houses|


&              |                                  |                                              |


influences |                               |                                             |


get it? if not you’ll have to look it up.

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