science rocks

we made rocks in science the other day. what we did was we took crayons that we had collected and we took and assortment of tools such as potato peelers and cheese graters etc. we weathered for two day then we took our “sediment” and put it in a bag then we divided the sediment up and we put in a tin foil packet and out it under hundreds of thousands us millions of seconds of pressure. then after we came pack to our secret place of pressure (the computer table in the library) it was a rock!

6th grade what if project

last week Tuesday we went to Hayworth and learned the process of designing. then we went to the library and wet our clients Mr. Klunder and Mrs. deru from the  city of zeeland. so the first thing we did when we got done we that is we went to Heritage square. we went there later and found that it is almost 100 feet long from the end of heritage square to the end of the lot. then when we got back to school we looked through the project brief and highlighted the important parts and wrote them on sticky notes. so then we put the sticky notes in to  groups. then we voted on the topics we wanted to use in a matrix we were making. now a matrix is a grid that has a term on one side and another on the top. kinda like this.

core design features

_______________________this could be houses___________________

trends          |here could be trees|this would be tree houses|


&              |                                  |                                              |


influences |                               |                                             |


get it? if not you’ll have to look it up.

egypt project

Over the last few weeks we have been making  an egypt project. We made an exhibit explaining the wonders of egypt, we also read a book. My favorite part was we found a website that you can make a mummy on and we videoed me making a mummy. I learned that the pharoh ramsess the 2nd thought that he was awesome. I also learned to collaborate you have to make compromises and help the team not your self and contribute.

me querpo y los cinco sentidos

yo oigo con los oidos la maestra y la pato y mi mama.

saboreo con la lengua la sopa y la pizza y la pescado.

yo toco con los dedos la borador y la nariz y la mochila.

yo veo con los ojos la sopa y la arbol y la nariz.

yo huelo con la nariz la sopa y la pizza y la pes.


Descriptive Paragraph

our assignment was to describe a place or thing. how did i do???


Going to the Iowa State fair is an extravagant sight. There are plenty of rides but, the food is the best part, no buts about it. The best food in my opinion, would be the fried butter. I had always wanted try fried butter but when I first got it I couldn’t smell it over the fair at first but, if I had seen it just in a picture I would have thought it was a corn dog but, the smell was sooo good I could have stood there forever but the crowd woke me from my trance. so Then imagine the best cinnamon roll you have ever tasted liquidized in a crunchy shell that is smooth like a corn dog but still crunchy with melted butter and frosting on top. I took one bite and the butter flowed into my mouth. soon it was gone and so was I.