Egypt Project

Filed under: Uncategorized — melders19 at 9:34 am on Friday, March 1, 2013

As a 6th grade group my group and me build  a museum and we made a mummie and a temple made out of blocks and we brought blocks for the people who are going to see it can build their own. My favorite part was making the costumes one of my group members made us costumes and that was my favorite part. What i learned about Egypt was a lot of things I learned so much in 3 weeks. But I learned most about the pyramids and how when a Pharaoh dies they put them in the pyramid  but before they put them in the pyramid they take out the brain the heart and lunges and more and then they would rap them in some sort of cloth and then put them in the pyramid. What I learned about collaboration was that working in a group can be hard at times but its harder to work by yourself then in a group. And that is what I learned about Egypt and collaboration.

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