Newsletter 31: Week of May 13

Week Overview

I’m so proud of your kids for their hard work this week! We’re almost done with our aalpa, a Spanish proficiency test with 3 parts: speaking, writing, and reading or interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This week our Daily 5 guided reading time has been focused on this project instead of reading strategies/take-home books. I’m proud of your kids because they are doing very well on this assessment, but also because they showed me again that they’re committed to doing their best even when things are a bit challenging!

Important Dates

May 28: Memorial Day Parade- I will plan on your child marching unless I hear differently from you. I am still looking for at least one more parent to march with us please.

June 1: PBL Presentations 9:00. Please join us in the music room to celebrate to hear about our projects and later in our classroom for some cookies.

June 6: Field trip to Farmers Market and Kollen Park. Please pack a sack lunch for your child. We’ll be back to school about 12:45.

June 7: Last day of school- no pm bussing or hot lunch


  • Countdown to Summer Continues!
    • Monday: Ice Pop day
    • Tuesday: Joke- Be ready with a fun joke to tell!
    • Wednesday: We will spread kindness around the school.
    • Thursday: Write a letter
    • Friday: Music and movement

Some pictures from this week’s countdown activities… Sorry there are not a ton!


Bible: We continue learning about parables. This week we learned about the wedding banquet. We focused on how God loves us so much that he invites us to celebrate with him in Heaven.

Our last Bible verse for Kindergarten:

Por tanto vayan y hagan discípulos de todas naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, enseñándoles a obedecer todo lo que les ha mandado a ustedes. Y les aseguro que estaré con ustedes siempre, hasta el fin del mundo. Mateo 28:19, 20

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19, 20

Literacy: This week we learned about another letter that makes 2 different sounds in Spanish. When the letter G is followed by an A or an I it sounds like the English J. When it is followed by and A, O, or U it sounds the same as the English hard G sound.

  • Reading strategy: Inferring
  • Read aloud: El loro tico tango
  • Vocabulary words
    • el mango (mango)
    • el higo (fig)
    • el datíl (date)
    • la cereza (cherry)
    • robar (to steal)
    • sujetada (hesitation)
    • hurtar (to swipe)
    • sabroso/a (delicious)
    • dulce (sweet)
    • el ala (wing)
  • Word wall word: ¿porqué? (why?)
  • Phrase of the week: Yo sé la respuesta. (I know the answer)
  • Letter of the week: Gg

Math: In math I introduced the concept of a math mountain. Your children will spend a lot of time on this in 1st grade. It’s another way to illustrate big numbers as two smaller parts.

Exploring God’s World: Our PBL is up and running! First, we talked about what we would like to learn about our animals. The kids came up with great questions! On Friday we met with Maestra Geurink’s 7th grade class to begin researching!

Writing Workshop: We started a new unit this week on How To Books! I made a pb&j sandwich exactly as instructed by your kids. We quickly learned to be specific and keep our instructions in order! 🙂 This coming week we’ll take the steps we wrote as a class and create a class book.

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