
In the Old Testament, it’s pointing to the salvation. The Old Testament Is trying to prepare everyone for the coming of Jesus. We are waiting for Jesus today too, we want all of the racism to end and the Gossip and bullying. We are waiting for Jesus to make this right but we have to try and make it stop too. I chose this as my visual because it’s like when Jesus comes everything will be perfect and we will never have to worry about racism, gossip, and bullying. I want everyone to be treated fairly and I don’t want people to be judged by how they look or what they have.


In the Old Testament Israel starts worshipping idols and other gods. Then Elijah comes in and tells them how to act and what is right. Israel and us today really want power and popularity. We can not let stuff like sports or a phone pull you away from worshipping God and becoming an idol. I chose this visual because it means we can still play sports but we can not let that take power over us. We should still read the Bible and worship God more than anything.

Slide to Destruction

In the Old Testament Israel was starting to make a lot more bad choices because of their kings. The kings would tell them what to do and it would not be something God wants them to do. This causes them to slowly slide to destruction. I chose this as my visual because we have to make good decisions and think about the consequences of our actions. If we don’t take care of our world that God gave us, then we will also slide to destruction. We have to act how we want to be seen, if we act really bad then people will see you as a bad person, but if we act nice then we will be seen as a nice person.


God called a lot of different people in the Old Testament. Some of the people listened and some did not. Abraham was called to sacrifice his own son, he may have questioned God but he still went up the mountain and was going to do it but then God told him not to. I chose this as my visual because God calls us to read his Bible and tell others about it and we should listen. Even though it doesn’t seem like much to us it could change someone’s life. Everyone is called to do something else, some may be called to make the community a better place or be a missionary and tell His word.


In the Old Testament Israel really wanted a king so God gave them one, the king Israel got was not what they thought they were going to get. Israel wanted a Melek but they got a nagid. A Melek is someone who does whatever they can to power. They also like war and to attack other countries for more power and slaves. A nagid is a king that loves God and follows the commandments God has given to him. I chose this visual because we should want a nagid and they don’t want power. I feel like if a nagid would have to wear a crown it would be one like this.

Symbol of a Lamp

God is like an ever-burning lamp. He will always show us which way to go and how to do it. God tells David that he is going to make his name great forever. I chose this as my visual because the sun is is like an ever-burning light that we use every day to get around. Without the sun we would not be able to live. This is the same with God, without God we would not be able to do anything. God will always show us the way and the light we just have to trust him like we trust the sun.


Covenants in the Bible are common. There are two different kinds of covenants, conditional and unconditional. Conditional means both sides of the agreement have to fulfill their promise. Unconditional means that one side of the group will fulfill their promise even if the other side doesn’t. This is my visual because it’s putting your hand on the bible while making a promise. An example of unconditional is God’s love for us. God will love us no matter what we do wrong or what we do right, God will always love us the same. An example of conditional is a treaty between two countries. If one side of the treaty breaks their promise and does not fulfill their covenant they will probably start a war. Another example is saying something like, I’ll give you this toy for that book, Both sides have to give up their thing or the deal won’t work.

Conflict and Doubt

There are a lot of people that doubted God in the Old Testament. I learned that it’s really good to ask God questions and then look for the answers. This is my visual because it’s a symbol of God helping us with our questions and doubt. God will always help us through doubt and will answer our questions. Bring your doubts to God and share them with others. It is ok to doubt because God is always happy to help us and wants to show us answers in many different ways.