Grand Heaven Planetarium


Posted by nlubbers22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 6, 2014

Here is three things I learned at the planetarium.

I learned that the solar eclipse is rare(it only happens about once every year). I also learned that there is about 88 constellations that we can see from earth(I thought there were only about 20). I also learned that there is a black hole in the center of the galaxy.

Here is three things I thought were cool from the planetarium.

I really liked how it was a big dome and the projector was so big. I also really liked how there was a lot of moving stars and constellations.  I also really liked how the chairs were like the comfy ones in movie theaters.

Here are some God stories that I can tell when I think about the universe.

I see God in the Sun, it’s always there! I also see God in the black holes, they suck you in and God does to with all the powerful love he has for us. I also see God in the universe because he controls every thing just how he wants it.

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