Film Festival/Eagle Huntress


Posted by nlubbers22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 22, 2017

Film Festival

My favorite film was Strong Water. It was about people from Montana that had a shallow, dirty river. They cleaned it up and they put special rocks in certain places, to make big waves. On those waves they could surf. River surfing quickly caught on in the city. It was cool because these guys found a river that was essentially useless, and made it into something that the town could enjoy. I think that the lesson is that if you have something that is useless, look at it from a different angle and it may turn out to be something that is really useful or fun.

Eagle Huntress

The Eagle Huntress was about a girl that wanted to be a master Eagle Hunter. She was the first girl to be one. It was cool because everyone was doubting her and she fought through the comments. She even went on and won the yearly Eagle Hunter Festival. She was the best Eagle hunter from the region. Everyone who was doubting her still was and they said that she just had a good bird and it wasn’t fair. They said she should go on a real hunt and she wouldn’t make it. So she went on a real hunt and got a fox. A lesson to learn from it is that if someone is saying that you can’t do something just try, push through their bad comments. Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you can’t do something.

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