Why You Should Read The Bibles

Every Kid Should Read The Bible

By: Nolan Mannes#9


Have you ever read the Bible? I believe that the Bible is a great way to know Jesus Christ! Read this essay and you will know why every kid should read the Bible. By reading the Bible you will understand who Jesus is. By reading the Bible you will learn a lot about History (His story.) By reading the Bible it can change your life. Many people don’t realize that the Bible is God’s word. I want them to know.


One reason that you should read the Bible is that we can understand who Jesus is.

First and foremost, the Bible is essential for knowing God and His will for our lives. The book of Romans tells us there are certain things we can know about God from general revelation. (General revelation is God’s creation not including the Bible). Without The Bible people can know about God’s power and divine nature by examining creation (Romans 1:20). They also know God’s law because it is written on their hearts (Romans 2:14-15). However, there is a vast difference between knowing about God and personally knowing God. Everyone knows about God, which is why you are without excuse if you reject Him, but only a fraction personally knows Him. The Bible is the foundational truth that teaches the history of the universe, the origin of sin, the reason for death, morality, and so on. Apart from God’s Word, mankind would never learn the all-important message of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Another example that every kid should read the Bible because we can learn a lot of history. (FunFact) For instance my friend’s grandpa was a pastor and he said that Jesus’ skin is brown. There is plenty of archeological proof of biblical stories. The Bible is full of history, and it can give you insight into others areas of history. When we read about our forefathers leaving England for freedom of religion, we understand them better. So the Bible helps us understand human history and how often we repeat the same mistakes.

Every kid should read the Bible because it could/can change your life. THe Bible is a life-changing book. So many people go to the self-help section of the bookstore to look for a magic solution to their problems. However, most of those answers sit in the chapters of the Bible. It can give us insight, help us grow, explain our depression, explain our behaviors. The Bible can make a huge difference in our lives.


Now that you have read this essay, you should start to read the Bible(God’s Word).Reading the Bible is important because we can understand Jesus better, we can learn a lot of history, and REMEMBER, it can change your life.

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