God at Work

God used Paul’s past for his ministry in many different ways. One way he used Paul’s past was that Paul was a Pharisee. Which meant he had a knowledge of scripture. When he went to other parts of the world he knew scripture and he probably had some memorized. Another way God used Paul’s past was that Paul knew many languages. He knew them because he was very educated. His family could afford a good tutor. When he traveled to share God’s word and people spoke different languages he could easily communicate with them. I think God can use me in many different ways like my love for helping other people. When people are having trouble with something in school or sports I love to go and help them. If people are having trouble with their faith I would love to help people or be there to support them through any challenging times.

Persecution Project

In our project, we made 3 posters. The first poster was of the flag, the second had India on it and a Bible verse and the blue one had a lot of general information of India. We had one computer with a keynote and it had 3 stories of real people in India getting persecuted. The other computer had a place where you could write a letter to Open Doors and they would share it with persecuted Christians. We sold suckers (2 for $1) and we also sold free bracelets. We had our research papers out and little pieces of paper about what people can do to help.


Me and Ashley made a word problem about a girl who was wondering if her ohone fit in her pocket. We made a 2d pocket and then printed a picture of a phone. We cut and measured correctly so that it was the exact size. We then figured out the problem and found out that Izzy, the girl in the word problem’s phone would fit in her pocket so that she won’t loose it.

Science Chain

 I think that the string will work that best because it won’t break. I think that the paper might be a problem because it could rip when we put the weights on. We didn’t use popsicle sticks because it’s hard to make them into rings, and we used string because it is strong and won’t break.

What I did this Summer…

This summer I did a lot of things. I had some supper exciting days and some boring days. Two days after school got out I went to Virginia. Then we drove to Washington D.C. which was very fun. Then at the end of June I went camping with three other families. We went to the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds. That was a very fun week. I went up north to my cabin a few times with my cousins and grandparents. We did a lot of tubing, fishing, skiing, kneeboarding, swimming, and games. I swam in both of my cousins pools a lot and I also swam, kayaked, and paddle boarded in our friends pond a few times.

African Union Day

  1. Overview of my experience

2. What did I get out of it?

  • Certain countries want more democracy than others.
  • It is not easy to represent a totally different country.
  • Not everybody wants the same things

3. What was hard?

  • To prove what you thought was right



  • How did I see reconciliation in the movie?

At the beginning of the movie, they showed a road, and on one side there were white kids playing rugby, and on the other side, there were black kids playing soccer. Throughout the movie, the black people didn’t have anything to do with rugby. Then towards the end, they started joining together through Nelson Mandela.

  • How did I see the young kid change from the beginning of the movie to the end?

The young kid at the very beginning was playing soccer with all the other black kids from his town. Towards the middle of the movie he was given a rugby jersey/shirt and he refused to take it. Then, at the end of the movie during the rugby world cup, the young kid was outside the stadium trying to listen in on if the South African team was winning. Well, when they won he got very excited. So he changed from not liking rugby at all, to getting very excited when they won.

Understanding Africa

My understanding of Africa has changed a little, I had an idea of Africa being poor, sick, hot, etc. But now I realize Africa is very diverse. Not all of Africa is hot like a desert, during the wet season it can get pretty cold, and now that I know how diverse Africa is I know that not all of Africa is poor or sick like I thought. Some of Africa is, it kind of depends where you are. I always knew Africa had animals we don’t see every day but they also have animals we do see, like goats and other animals. When I thought about the people living in Africa I thought of black, sick, and poor. But actually, not all people in Africa are black. Some are but quite a lot aren’t. Also, not all people have access to medicine like some people do. The more wealthy people have a connection to the internet and to a cell phone.

S.S. Simulation

2 challenges that were faced??

  • Getting kicked to the back of the line for not saying stuff in your language
  • Having to go through another country just to get to where you want to be
  • People cutting the line or not cooperating

Explain 1 benefit to each country in Europe maintaining so much control of there own situation.

  • When you come up to the front of the line they can easily kick you to the back and they don’t have to sign your pass port if you look suspicious. Its their choice.


Bible Themes Project


Paragraph- My name (Natalie) means, Christmas day. I think that is a cool thing because on Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We celebrate him being born. For my image, I chose a sign that says Dec. 25. I chose this theme because my name means Christmas day and that’s what we celebrate on Christmas, but I also chose that because we call ourselves Christians. Christian means to believe in Jesus Christ and it also means mini Christ. I think sometimes we don’t even realize what we call ourselves and what it means. That is why names and definitions are important.

Sinai Law-

Paragraph- Just like the Israelites did with the golden calf. I am tempted and even sometimes do put sports first. Instead of God. I tell myself I don’t have time for God. I try to be better and spend a lot of my time playing sports. I chose this theme mainly because that is what distracts me from God and is my golden calf. I don’t always put God first. Another reason I chose this theme is that business is also my golden calf. Having a sports practice. Or having a game, all is part of being busy and not thinking about Jesus and what he wants from and for me.

Symbol of a Lamp-

Paragraph- I like to think of Jesus being my lamp. Leading me through the dark and scary parts of my life. He leads me and my life. He knows what’s best and where to go and he won’t lead me in the wrong direction. Without his light, we would be lost in the darkness of sin. No matter what, Jesus will always be by my side ready to help me. For my theme, I chose a flashlight. I chose this because Jesus is like my flashlight. He is bright for everyone one to see in the dark scary times, and can and always will be there when I need Him.

Conflict and Doubt

Paragraph- Everyone has doubt in their life. It can all be very different. We are humans, we are not perfect. During that conflict or doubt when can grow closer to God, and he pulls us closer. We have to trust He has the best for you. For my theme, I chose a big fish and a small one. I chose that because God is the big fish and our conflict and doubt is the small one. God is greater than any of our doubt. So with God, we can overcome any doubt or conflict.

Slavery and Salvation-

Paragraph- Everyone has struggled. Whether they are big or small. But God will always come through and show himself in that struggle or hard time. He will rescue us from that slavery. For my theme, I chose a person in jail. I chose this because we are in jail and God always comes through. He will always come through and get us out. God will save us from the bad parts of our life.

Sent to Promised Land-

Paragraph- When the Israelites were wandering they had to trust God in every circumstance. They had to trust him to lead them. They also had to trust Moses. God chose him to lead them through there wandering. For my theme, I chose a big cement wall. That cement wall can be anything that is standing in your way. We need to trust that God will break down that wall. Just like he did for the Israelites in Jericho.

Salute to a king-

Paragraph- Sometimes the world puts Meleks in our life. A Melek is something you or the world wants and puts in front of God. It is difficult to remember and choose God and what he wants for our life. For my theme, I chose Israel’s cycle of sin. I chose this because Israel did good for awhile, they listened to God and what he wanted and then they started going downhill. They cried out for help and God sent them a Judge. They are then saved and the cycle keeps going on and on.

A Savior-

Paragraph- We need Jesus today and every day in our lives. We need to fix the unperfect, unfair, bad things that are happening. I chose this theme because on December 25th we celebrate Jesus Christ being born to us. Jesus came to take the place of us and our sin. God sent his only son to earth so that he could live like us and then eventually die and save us from our sin. So on Christmas, we recognize our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Native Americans

We went to a place, where we watched a video about Native Americans in our world today. I never really heard about the Standing Rock reservation and about the South Dakota access pipeline. I learned about that more through the video. I also learned more about there art and the different things they consider art. Like basket making, jewelry, clothing, etc. We also watched a video about a Native American and his perspective. He said, that America is there house, and now people live in there house and they have taken over. It feels like they (Native Americans) got locked upstairs in a bedroom, and no lets them out and no one even says, thank you for letting us stay in your house. He said some people have unlocked the door. But they are to weary and old and can’t come out. That kinda made me think. About how they were the first ones here, and now people have taken over.

Living on One Dollar a day Reflection

We watched the documentary Living on One Dollar a Day. It was about these two guys and two camera men, that wanted to see how the people in the poorest part of Guatemala live. They lived in poverty with a few other family’s for 56 days. I feel very sorry for the family’s living their. Because back in America we have so much and they have so little. To think in the morning when we wake up we have to decide what we eat for breakfast and they don’t even know if they will have breakfast. No matter how close you get to living the life of the poor, in your head you always have the thought that I will get to go back to america and know what I am going to eat, and have a house and shelter and comfortable bed to sleep in. And I hope I can always remember and keep them in my prayers.

Culture Blog

Catcha Pretto tiene pelo cafe y muy bonita y viven en honduras y pelo es largo.  Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero tiene pelo cafe vive en honduras y un presidente de honduras y usa gafas.  Porfirio Lobo Sosa es muy popular de honduras. el tiene pelo negro y vive en honduras . unknown-4 unknown-3unknown-6