Native Americans

We went to a place, where we watched a video about Native Americans in our world today. I never really heard about the Standing Rock reservation and about the South Dakota access pipeline. I learned about that more through the video. I also learned more about there art and the different things they consider art. Like basket making, jewelry, clothing, etc. We also watched a video about a Native American and his perspective. He said, that America is there house, and now people live in there house and they have taken over. It feels like they (Native Americans) got locked upstairs in a bedroom, and no lets them out and no one even says, thank you for letting us stay in your house. He said some people have unlocked the door. But they are to weary and old and can’t come out. That kinda made me think. About how they were the first ones here, and now people have taken over.

Living on One Dollar a day Reflection

We watched the documentary Living on One Dollar a Day. It was about these two guys and two camera men, that wanted to see how the people in the poorest part of Guatemala live. They lived in poverty with a few other family’s for 56 days. I feel very sorry for the family’s living their. Because back in America we have so much and they have so little. To think in the morning when we wake up we have to decide what we eat for breakfast and they don’t even know if they will have breakfast. No matter how close you get to living the life of the poor, in your head you always have the thought that I will get to go back to america and know what I am going to eat, and have a house and shelter and comfortable bed to sleep in. And I hope I can always remember and keep them in my prayers.