Preschool buddies are good to have

Preschool Buddies Are Good To Have


By: Natalie Nyhof


Preschool buddies are good to have for 3 reasons the older kids learn leadership and how to be a good example, also that you learn friendship and relationship, and last ITS FUN. Do you ever wonder how fun preschool buddies really are?

Preschool buddies give you friendship and you build relationship

For example the 1st day I got a preschool buddie the girl wouldn’t even look at me, and know she always hugs me when she sees me. This is similar to playing a sport if you are playing a sport and you see someone new you ask them to play and that is  building relationship too.

Another reason is the older kids learn leadership and how to be an example to the younger kids this is important because when you get older you’re  going to have to be responsible to take care of you and others around you this is different from taking care of your siblings because when you have to take care of your preschool buddie they don’t know you so they will probably be a little shy. And your siblings will not be shy at all.

Preschool buddies are FUN, for example when I was in kindergarten I always looked up to 4th graders and know I have to watch those kids. I used to think that preschool buddies were a waste of time but now I realize that preschool buddies are fun! and they are not a waste of time.

I hope I’ve helped you realize that having preschool buddies help kids learn leadership and how to be a good example, also that you learn friendship and ITS FUN!you might still not like preschool buddies but I’m telling you… try it!



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