Follow The Hard But Straight Path

Follow The Hard But Straight Path

By:Natalie Nyhof

When have you read a book that changed your life? Well I read a book called Dangerous Journey. It’s about a man named Christian who had a hard time following the hard but straight path. This essay will talk about how we are going to be tempted, but you have to trust in God, that you will fail but God will be there to forgive you, and you should never give up on God.

Reason 1

You know the times when you’re tempted to do something bad. For example Christian was tempted to follow the deceiver, and he thought that it was an angel.

We need to know the difference between God and satan. We have to TRUST IN GOD because things can be hard on the hard but right path. You need to know that there’s forgiveness and forgiveness leads to God.


Reason 2

Sometimes we fail and we do something that God doesn’t like. One little thing won’t make God mad. God has patience with us. We have a God that will forgive and won’t get mad no matter how many times we fail. Christian failed so many times but God never got mad. For example Christian was on the hard but straight path and saw a meadow that was nice and easy and thought it would lead him back to the path but instead it lead him to Doubting castle where he met Giant Despair. Christian got trapped and after all of this Christian still doubted on God.


Reason 3

Never give up on God even if you’re in the hardest position. Giving up on God will make everything worse. Christian had his burden fall off in the shadow of the cross. If we don’t give up on God we will have the same thing happen. Christian was at the River of Death and an angel of God said if you really believe in God the river will be calm and you can walk through it but if you don’t you will drowned. Christian believed in God but in the middle of the river he remembered all the bad things he did. He gave up on God Christian. He got help from Hopeful and started over. He got across and made it to the Celestial City.



Sometimes I forget about God and all the things he has done for me. I am going to be tempted and I am going to fail and I will be tempted to give up on God but I will remember the Celestial City is waiting for me.