My hardest problem I had this week was on 3-4 #22 the problem was a word problem. At the fair, 25 food tickets cost $31.25. What is the cost of each ticket? I figured out that I had to do 31.25/25 to find the variable of the problem. So I put the problem into a division problem. I did 31.25/25. I saw that 25 went into 31 1 time, and there was 6 left so I dropped the 2 to make it 62. 25 went into 62 2 time so I did 62-50 and there was 12 left I dropped the 5 to make it 125 I could put 25 in 125 4 times to make it 125-125=0 so my answer was 1.25.


I could use it when I want to by something in the store and it has a big number.