
Who is a daughter of Chris

Who is adventurous, outgoing, and competitive

Who loves soccer, basketball, and hanging with friends

Who dislikes school tests

Who is afraid of needles, snakes, and heights

Who likes biking, hiking, and skiing

Who would like to visit Paris, climb and volcano, and swim with dolphins

Who won the winning shot in a soccer game

Who lives in Zeeland, Michigan


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Aggressive, fun

Dribbling, kicking, scoring

Its an exciting sport




Annoying, loud

Tackling, shouting, fighting

They’re something else


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Picture Book Advice


1. Make sure you can put yourself in a position of a preschooler, think and write like one.

2. Make sure you describe your character, and tell the reader what her/he likes.

3. Length is really important, not to long or short. In between 10-30 pages long.


1. Be original don’t copy ideas of well known books, be creative.

2. Constantly re-read the drafts out loud during the drafting process.

3. Don’t write about stuff that wont attract the reader in. Don’t write about a kite, shoes, or a coin. Write about something that will draw the reader in.


1. The best rule on writing in any genre is that there are no good rigid rules. All rules on writing can be, and have been, broken.

2. Stories and nonfiction books must have a strong beginning that can draw the readers in, who have very short attention spans.

3. A picture book must appeal first to the editor, second to the buyer, who is usually an adult, and third the child.

4. Be yourself, and have fun writing. Be creative, and have you book stand out!