November 11

Donald Trump Hillary Clinton.

My prediction was right i thought that Trump would win because i thought that Trump was going to win because i herd more stuff about Trump then clinton and when i heard that Trump won texas and florida and Ohio i knew that he was going to win every thing another thing was when i heard that hillary took out her email forme the government and then said something really bad to somebody i was realy disappointed and at that time that was went i knew that Trump was going to win because that was ready bad of her she  should have never done that that was a really bad move on her part i didn’t think that any body was going to vote for her because she did that i was really mad .What surprised me the most was that it was very close because i thought that it would have just happened right away and that was what surprised me the most  also was that hillary won some of the states that i thought would go right to Trump he realy should have goten more.votes because he was really good when he was talking to all of the people i think he should have just crushed Clinton. We can make sure that if people are talking bad about other people because they did not  win that we make sure we incurring theme to say good things because if they won and other people were talking bad about theme they would not like that very much so i think that we should try to help theme because they are just humans so we need to give theme a little grace.What we can do in are community to make sure every one feels included we can take a little time to be in there shoes and thene we can ambe


November 3


Español – Mis abuelos se llaman art y anita schoonveld pero yo les llamo oma y opa porque ellos son de otro paiz que no hablan  la  mismo idioma entonces en su idioma para decir abuela o abuela es oma y opa entonces esto es lo que le llamamos.

Inglés  –My grandparents are called art and anita Schoonveld but I call them oma and opa because
they are from another country  who do not speak the same language then in there  language to
tell grandma or grandpa we call theme  oma and opa.

Español – Lo que yo tengo especial con mis abuelos es jugamos cartas y yo siempre gano y bromeamos sobre esto siempre .

Inglés – What I have is special with my grandparents is we play cards and I always win and always joke
about it.

Español – Lo que a mi me gusta sobre ellos lo mas es que ellos siempre tienen una sonrisa en su cara y siempre están siendo positivo con toda yo amo a ellos muchísimo y que ellos siempre estas tratando de enseñarme sobre DIOS.

Inglés  –What I like about them the most is that they always have a smile on their face and are
always being positive with all I love them very much and they’re always trying to teach
me about God.

Español – algo especial que yo ago con mi abuela es que yo voy a su trabajo con ella y le ayuda a hacer lo que ella necesita.

Inglés – something special I ago with my grandmother that I’m going to work with her and helps her to do what she needs.

GRACIAS por venir opa y oma

diadelabuelo2016                            photo-on-11-3-16-at-12-59-pm                       GRACIAS por venir opa y oma

November 1

El planetario

fuimos en un paseo al planetario y lo que yo aprendi fue sobre las faces de la luna y que  hay 8 faces los faces cambian cada tres semanas y se rota . tambien aprendi sobre las planetas que hay en el espacio pero los que nosotros pensamos que son las mas importantes son la luna y el sol y la tierra EL sol el sol es la planeta mas grande en el espacio y es uno de las planetas mas calientes entonces no puedes ir ni cerca a el solo te vas a quemar el sol es 43,288 k  mi  grande el sol es  92.96 millón de millas fuera

afiche_del_solluna_afecta-42189.LA luna la luna es uno de los planetas mas pequeñas en el espacio la  luna es 1,079k grande no es muy grande la luna es 4.53 millones de años el sol refleja a la luna esto es donde viene todo el luz.La luna es 238,900 millas afuera de nosotros.

imgres-6la tierra la tierra es 3,959 k de grande la tierra es mas grande que la luna pero la tierra es mas pequeño que el sol la tierra ve muy pequeño cuando lo pones cerca de la luna pero la luna es mucho mas pequeño y solo es una bolita muy pequeña comparado a las otras planetas

todas las planetas      planetas-alineados