Hold On, Pain Ends


September 2014

Como cambiar 3 1/8 a una fraccion

Primero necesitas multiplicar 8×3 que es egual a 24. Segundo tomas el 1 y sumas a 24 que egual a 25. Tercero hacer un fraction tomas la 8 de tu denominador de 3 1/8 y pones 25 como tu denominador…. Continue Reading →

If you were Native American what would your life be like?

My life would be AWESOME if I were a Native American except for their faith and their gods because that is not what I believe and that is not my faith. Because we could explore, hunt, play deferent games. I… Continue Reading →

Shout silently

Shout silently is the theme of the year. The verse says- They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4 Yet their voice[a] goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends… Continue Reading →

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