Hold On, Pain Ends


October 2014

Northwest and Southwest

Southwest- People at little meat since it was scarce and corn, beans and squash. The Southwest lived in single houses called Hogans or adobe brick houses since wood was scarce. The Southwest made clothes out of cotton that had embroidery…. Continue Reading →

La vida de Samuel

Yo Ana no puedo tener hijos. Un día yo fue al casa de Dios para orar y el sacradote Eli no sabia que yo estaba haciendo y dijo- tu borrocho ¿que estas haciendo? vayate. Pero yo respondio- Yo estoy orando al… Continue Reading →

Civil war musket

I learned that the war people had to walk miles with a gun and all their stuff. To my opinion it probebly was like 20 pounds the gun was about 9 pounds. But they had to carry all their lugged… Continue Reading →

Greetings Queen of Portugal

Greetings Queen, I am writing a letter to you because we are going on an adventure you will not want to miss. We are going across the Atlantic Ocean to The New World. We sailed with Amerigo Vespucci and Hernandez… Continue Reading →

Safe on the computer

Safe? Do you want to be safe on the computer? Here are somethings to remember- You can search with in domain-  site:.edu- That you now students wrote this. Or- site:.gov- and so that you now the governet put this on… Continue Reading →


The Woodshed Mystery The Boxcar children went to the west to buy their Aunt Jane the house she once lived in. When they are there they hear these story’s about Andrew Bean making a forest fire when he was little… Continue Reading →

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