The Kingdom of Ghana and Africa.

Blacksmiths where considered important in Ghana.




The Soninke are the people who live in present day Mali.




Awdaghost was an important trading town in Ghana.






Kumbi Saleh was the capital of the empire.







Farming started as early as 4000 B.C.E





A gana is a king but Ghana is an empire





Clans where one of the most significant parts of Africa.




Everyone in Ghana belonged to a clan because it was so important to the village structure.




Men and women worked very hard.






Most people in west Africa lived on farms.




Everyone must attend school until ninth grade.





The village school is called the darra.

West Africa History.

Q: Explain how Trade Relationships with the North impacted the Evolution of West African Societies.

A: When they traded, they got salt, for food, And other goods like slaves or ivory. They didn’t have camels in Africa until trade started either. That is because the traders took camels with them to get to Africa. Trading in West Africa changed their culture because they got things that they didn’t already have. It brought more money into their country and made them a stronger country.




Photo from Google Earth.