
Paul’s story is really cool. I love how God could take someone who had such a broken life and turned him into a missionary. Here are some of the ways that God was working in Paul/Saul’s life before he was converted. First of all, when he was young, he studied the scripture, and memorized it, especially the Hebrew old testament. He would be able to quote it. Another thing that would help him throughout his missionary career is the trade of tentmaking. Every Jewish student was expected to learn a trade, and Paul/Saul learned how to make Goat hair tents. This might help him later on when he needed somewhere to stay.

God hs given me lots of gifts and talents as well. One talent that he has given me that I might be able to further his kingdom with is music. God has given me a lot of musical ability, and I might be able to tell people about him with it. Another talent that he had given me is being able to understand people. I am usually able to put myself in someone’s shoes and understand what they are going through. This might help me because I am able to relate to someone, and then I can tell them about God easier.