Reflection on Market Day

List 3 highlights of the pitch

  • When they all really loved our product and treats.

  • When we got the offer we wanted and Mr. Feenstra congratulated us.

  • When we got two offers and took Mr. Feenstra’s.

List 3 possible improvements

  • We should have mentioned the dance floor and that we needed money for that too.

  • I should’ve put down more money for caramel corn.

  • We should’ve put the money for each item on the presentation.

How would you better prepare if you had to do it again?

  • We would’ve done it exactly the same as we did but added the improvements on the last question.

What advice would you give next year’s 4th grade students?

  • You need to remember to add everything you want them to know.

  • Ask for at least $15.

  • Where your church clothes or match colors.

  • Add something catchy that whenever they hear it they will think of your group.

  • Don’t act nervous and shy or scared or they will think of the wrong picture and they will think you are really shy and then they would think you advertisement would go horrible and won’t give you enough money.

Essay – Every kid should have fun with their family!


Who are the best people to have fun with? Yes… that’s right, your family! You should have fun with your family because, families are nice, families are helpful, and families keep you company.


Every kid should have fun with their family because families are nice. This is important because if you don’t have fun with your family now then you never will. Sometimes siblings really want to play with you so they do things that you like not what they like. Your parents buy things just for you because they care 8/10 kids said yes my family is nice 2/10 said that their family is nice always and 0/10 kids said no and 0/10 kids said never this proves that families are nice. Your families give you someone to play with and something to do this reminds me of a time when I was sitting on the couch watching T.V. and I was really tired and I had nothing to do but then my little brother came up to me and said “Jordy Jordy, do you want to play cabela’s?” (It’s where you set up stuffed animals in a line just like the ones in cabela’s) and it looked like my little brother had nothing to do either so I said “Yes!” then my brother did the the cutest thing he yelled “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, JORDY IS PLAYING CABELA’S WITH ME HIP HIP HOORAY!” and I just laughed.


Every kid should have fun with their family because families are helpful. If you get sick, hurt, or don’t feel good, and you’re scared don’t worry you have a family that is always there for you if you are sick your family might spend money for you to make you feel better and to heal you same if you are hurt and don’t feel very well. If you are going through situations maybe your family has gone through that same situation and could give you some advice about what you’re going through and what you need to do about it and abracadabra your problem is saved thanks to your FAMILY!!!!!! 7/10 kids said that yes their family is helpful 3/10 kid said my family is always helpful. This shows that families are helpful.


Every kid should have fun with their family because families keep you company. If you feel alone or scared and you don’t feel good go to your family and they will make you feel better and feel safer!

If you want to have fun with someone and you live in the middle of nowhere and none of your friends live near you then play with your family and do stuff with them don’t worry they don’t bite.

8/10 kid said yes my family keeps me company and 2/10 people said my family is always helpful and 0/10 people said no and never. Remember you family is always there for you even when you think you don’t need them.

So if you don’t have fun with your family then have fun with them ask them to do things with you and if you say yes your family member thinks that you are a good sibling/child and that would make you feel good, because I know it makes me feel really good and it makes my family member good when I say yes to them because it happens all the time. Other people should care about this because I know it makes you feel really tired and you feel like complaining and you have nothing to do when you play with your family and you have nothing to do because your family is boring and it makes you bored you may feel this way now but in the future you might feel like you would have became closer to that particular person.