May 18

                           Market Day Reflection


Write one thing you learned from COLLABORATION at market day.

Everyone needs to have a part and you need to agree on things.


Write one thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at market day.

We had to use critical thinking when people started to return our Rainbow Spinning Tops and wanted their money back.

Write one thing you learned from CREATIVITY at market day

Rainbow Spinning Tops are creative because they are unique and they are all different designs.

Write one thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at market day.

You need to talk as a team to make decisions.

What was the BEST thing about market day?

The best thing about market day is making the product because we all work together and we have fun.

What is one thing you would change if you had to do it again?

If we had to do market day again I would make them better quality because some people’s tops broke.

What is the MOST IMPORTANT  thing you learned from market day? How will this impact your future learning?

The most important thing I learned in market day is how to work together better as a team. This will help me in future projects to work together with a team.

May 15

                               Market Day – Pitch Reflection


  1. How do you think your pitch went? Summarize the parts of your pitch in 3 to 5 sentences.


I think the pitch went well. We first showed them our prezi and they liked it. Next we got a deal and it was $42.00 with $4.00 interest and you give him 2 tops if you have them left. There was another deal and it was $42.00 with $3.00 interest and you need to give him 2 tops. We found out what the best deal was and we got the money.

  1. What went well?


They really liked our idea. We got the $42.00. They liked our idea so much they wanted two tops.

  1. What did not go so well?

I think we could have done better eye contact and we didn’t know the answer to one question at first.

  1. Describe the setting where your pitch took place.

We were standing across the room from the four “sharks” and Mr. Bouman. All eyes were on US!

  1. How did you feel before, during, and after the pitch?

Before the pitch I was so nervous and I was worried that we would not get the money.

During the pitch I was less nervous and I was excited.

After the pitch I was relieved, very happy and glad that it was over.

  1. Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared? Why or why not?

I think we were well prepared because we knew the answer to almost all the questions.

  1. If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?

I would do better eye contact.

  1. What questions from the Venture Capitalists surprised you?

It surprised us when they asked what deal is better.

  1. What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

I would recommend to do good eye contact, memorize your script and be confident.

What offer(s) did you receive and accept from the Venture Capitalists?

1.$42.00, $4.00 interest and two tops it you have them.

2.$42.00, $3.00 interest and you need to give him two tops.