May 29

African Union

We had to research our country and find our position on democracy if we wanted to be more democratic or not. Then, we had to write a position paper on our opinion. On Friday, we represented our country and presented our opinions. We also combined with other groups to write resolutions that say what the African Union should do to improve the continent. We debated with each other and eventually voted on resolutions to pass or fail them. It was fun to represent my country and challenge other countries. Olivia and I joined with two other countries to write a resolution that we all agreed on. When it was time to vote, our resolution passed.

What I got out of this experience was the ability to work with other groups and present our opinions. I also got out of this the importance to work to come to a conclusion that everyone agrees on. A difficult part was looking at all the information of freedom house and taking something from it. It was hard for me to figure out my countries opinion and what would be best for them. Overall, it was an interesting and fun time together and I learned a lot about democracy and Zambia.