
Hi :)

Descriptive Writing

on September 18, 2015

Chloe Ensing

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

10 September 2015


The suitcase card reminded me of my family’s trip to Mexico last summer. It was my first time riding in an airplane and I was super excited. We had to wake up super early and drive to the airport in Grand Rapids. When we got there we had to wait in line and people scanned stuff in our suitcase. When we finally got into the airplane we found our seats and waited a while until we heard the engine start to make a loud noise then we started moving forward, faster and faster, until we lifted off the ground and I felt my stomach drop. I could feel the airplane going higher and higher. As a looked out the window I saw the people looked like little ants, then the buildings looked like ants until we were high above the clouds.


The American flag card reminded me of celebrating the fourth of July at my grandparents cottage. Every year all of my cousins, siblings, and me go to the cottage with my grandparents for a couple weeks. Then on the fourth of July my whole family comes up to the cottage and we do fireworks. Also around the whole lake people put red candles on their seawalls and a boat goes around playing “Ring of Fire”. The smell of campfire was in the air and I could taste the gooey s’mores. Every once in awhile you would hear the loud boom of a firework light up the dark sky.


The hourglass card reminded me of spending so much time at the beach with my dogs and my aunt. This summer I got a German Shepherd puppy and the week after my aunt got one too. We would go to the dog beach with my german shepherd, Ruby, and my little shih tzu maltese, Ollie. Also my aunt would bring her german shepherd, Stella, and her aussie, sadie. When we got there the dogs would run around and we could sit in our chairs and relax and hear to the waves crash, until a wet dog would run past you or jump on you and you could feel the muddy water soak into your clothes. It was hard to relax for long so we would play fetch with the dogs until they got tired and you had to swim out and get the ball yourself.


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