Elise's Entertaining Blog

Go Tigers

Persecution in Indonesia


In the past few weeks our grade has been working on raising awareness of persecution in other countries. Some countries don’t have the same freedoms we have here in the U.S. I worked on the country of Indonesia with a few other girls and above is one of the posters we created.

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The Stoning of Stephen

We have been learning about the stoning of Stephen. Stephen was a man that taught God’s word to others. Stephen was seized and false witnesses said that he was a blasphemer. He was stoned to death. Before he died he gave up his spirit to the Lord and forgave those who were stoning him.


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Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do in my life?

Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do in my life?

I think that the Holy Spirit is someone who helps us make the right choices and keeps us close to God. The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity. The Trinity God the father son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Sprit has many names, some of them are counselor, comforter, guide and revealer of the truth. My favorite of the five is counselor. I like this because it helps me to know that there is always somebody ready to help and listen to me. The Holy Spirit teaches us a lot of things. He teaches us to serve, teach, encourage, give, show mercy, share our faith, and so much more. The Holy Spirit will never leave us. If we believe in Jesus the Holy Spirit lives inside of us forever. We can’t run away from it because it is always with us wherever we go. The Holy Spirit is always there to talk to you and to share your problems and triumphs. He is always there to keep us thinking about God. The Holy Spirit never changes and will always be there. He will never leave or forsake us.

I life I like to think of the Holy Spirit as a counselor. I like this term because if you look it up it says a person trained to give guidance. I like that because no matter when or where I am, if I call on the Holy Spirit, I will be helped and given somebody to talk to. I also can connect to the guidance because a few days ago I was downtown with my family for a parade. When the parade ended we were walking back to our car. I thought that it would be a shortcut to slip through a store but when I told my dad that he told me that would actually take longer. Just like I would’ve made the wrong choice if my dad hadn’t helped me, the Holy Spirit helps to guide me down the right path. For those who love and follow Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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Jesus’ Crucifixion

This last week in Bible we have talked about the last words and phrases that Jesus said before he died. The one that I am going to focus on is forgiveness. In the Bible Jesus says, “forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”  We interpreted this to mean that we need to forgive others even when they are not kind or loving towards you. We still need to love and care about them and forgive them. Whenever somebody does something against you forgive them right away because if you wait a long time you might hold a grudge against that person for a long time. We need to forgive and forget and lve a life filled with love and forgiveness.

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What If Design Project

Our sixth grade class has been asked by the city of Zeeland to design a park on the corner of main street and elm street, which is now an eleven space parking lot. Before we began thinking of ides we went to Tiger Design studio and they just took us through some of the main things of designing and brainstorming. Then we came back and we did some research about some of the things that our clients Mr. Klunder and Mrs. DeRue want us to put in the park. For our research we looked up some things that we thought might be cool to have in a park. We looked up Water features, Green Space,All ages, Seating areas, and how might we include an old town look to the park to match downtown Zeeland. We talked about how any idea even if it is crazy that we might be able to work something out with it for our project even if it may be the craziest thing you have ever heard. This project could have many different interesting outcomes. Our group had some great ideas that will really help us design this new park.

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Bible Unit 2 Keynote

[podcast format=”video”]https://blogs.zcs.org/elaarman19/files/2012/11/bible-keynotetest-18iaujz.mov[/podcast]

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Descriptive Paragraph

Our assignment was to describe a particular thing in our readers’ minds. How did I do?

        In a little room nestled away in a cage is a little chinchilla.With a bushy tail and sharp little teeth the chinchilla sits waiting, waiting hoping to get a good treat to eat such as a raisin or dried cherry. It sits on it hind legs waiting for his treat. You hold it out to him and he grabs it with his sharp little teeth and nibbles it slowly savoring his tasty treat then eagerly jumps up to see if he could get at least one more morsel. Give him one more he should be good at least for a while. If you leave him alone for a while he will start to get sleepy and slowly fall into a deep,deep slumber.

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