8th Grade Theme Writing

Theme Writing

They have no speech they use no words no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes into all the earth their words to the end of the world. Psalm 19:3-4

At Camp Roger in May last year we went to leadership camp. We divided into groups of twelve and had a teacher with us and we had some alone time to look up some bible verses. We got back together and told everyone our verses and then we voted them down to two verses. Then we got it down to one. We went to the lodge and met with all the groups and presented our verse to everyone and they did the same. Then we voted down to two verses we closed our eyes and voted and just like that we had the theme. Being an eighth grader I can use our theme this year Shout Silently in and out of school to interact with people at school and in the world.

My job as an eighth grader is to help anyone out that needs help in the hallway and if their lost show them where their class room is. I need to be encouraging to everyone even if I think something is weird be being an eighth grader my actions rube off on others and they do the same thing. I need to interact with kids younger then me so they feel special and if I see someone in the hallway to just say hi to them. I need to be kind to them and if they drop something help them pick it up and I need to beware

that I might not know their there, but they could be watching. I need to be a good example of our theme as an eighth grader.

As a christian I need to help out more if I see someone puzzled help them so they know what to do and how to do it. I can donate and help the poorer countries in the world so they don’t have as many starving people and give them medicine so the can cure their sicknesses. I need to do things willingly at home and help out with as much as I can because taking care of a dog and a house all day while i’m at school isn’t easy. I also need to make disciples in the Lord because God says “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of The Father and The Son and of The Holy Spirit.”

Being an eighth grader I can use our theme this year Shout Silently in and out of school to interact with people at school and in the world. I need to help out in anyway I can wether its at school or at home. I need to do what Gods want and to be a living image of Him, and to be the best example I can be.  

Jarod Harsevoort

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