the sugar act

Out of all the acts we have studied in our time looking at the road to Revolution which do you consider to be the harshest and why? The Sugar act was the hardest. Because it stopped the tea after the Boston tea party. And the sugar and tea was important to the colonist because they love there tea. I mean what if your mom and dads take your cookies and ice cream that would be bad right. So if that is bad for you then just think what was going on in the minds of the colonist.  this also helped lead up to the war and it made the colonist very mad and I think that it made the Boston massacre. And that is why I think that this was the harshest on the colonist.

Why was the Declaration of independence so important to the the colonist?

The Declaration so important to the the colonist because it meant that they were free from the mother country because the British put a lot of Acts on the colonies, like the Sugar act and so the colonies wanted freedom form the british rule. people wanted to separate British and that is 1 of the reasons that the Declaration of independence was so important to the colonies.