Reflecting as a learner

1a. The content that I am enjoying the most right now is in Science, we are learning about what is happening underground to cause an earthquake and a deep sea trench. I thought that it was interesting that the tectonic plates could cause more then earthquakes.


2a. The skills that I I’m enjoying the most is in bible, I am learning how to be a reporter, and also I had to put myself in a position when I didn’t know what was going to happen next like today, and I didn’t know if Jesus is the son of God , and I learned how to work a green screen, I thought it was pretty cool.


3.I think the best way for me to learn content and skills  is working in groups, that way the whole weight of the project isn’t on only one person, you also can talk about your ideas with the group that way you can  see if your idea is really good  one.


jacob spaulding/ Mason kuiper/ debate de la idioma oficial“][/audio]

1. Describe los beneficios del bilingüismo.

2. ¿Cómo piensas usar tu segundo idioma en el futuro?

3. ¿Crees que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos debe votar para hacer que el inglés sea el idioma oficial del país? ¿Por qué sí o no?

4.¿Qué cambiaría si el inglés fuera declarado como el idioma oficial do los EE.UU.? En tu opinión, ¿tendrá una decisión así un efecto positivo o negativo en nuestra sociedad?

5. Si pudieras hablar con los estudiantes jóvenes que quieren aprender un idioma nuevo ¿Qué te gustaría decirles?

6. Si pudieras hablar con un/a representante del gobierno sobre este tema ¿Qué te gustaría decirle?

En el clase de español estamos hablando sobre las idiomas oficiales  y si debemos temer un idioma oficial en los estados.


One if the things that I mostly get stressed out about is talking in front of other people that I din’t know. One time I volunteered to talk in front of college students at calvin with I thought i’d never do, but for no reason I decided to talk to a lot of college students. I think it give me stress because I din’t want to look like a fool when I am talking I think the way I deal with it is just not doing it even though I think doing it more would help me even more

The way I should deal with it is just pretend that i’m just talking to myself and that it doesn’t matter what others think about what I said or what I do it just matters what God thinks of me, and that he will love me know matter what, and I think if I just put my mind off it will help because I can’t control anything before it even starts. When it starts I should not be afraid because if you look timed you won’t look as good up there you should be confident.