Liner Lou

This is my blog all about my middle school adventures

The Holy Spirit

on December 9, 2014

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is one of 3 parts of God. The Holy Spirit is the one who lives in us, he guides us, teaches us, Works in and through us, leads us, convicts us, and equips us. The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift of all, God sent him down to be with us and live in us. The Holy Spirit is always with a true believer, once you accept Christ you are immediately filled with the Holy Spirit. Throughout the bible the Holy Spirt has been called different names, all of witch describe Him and His Power in one way or another. The first time the Holy Spirit was introduced was at creation, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit the whole time He was on earth. The Holy Spirit has many different functions some of them are The gift giver, the reveler of truth, The fruit producer and many more.
The Holy Spirt works in my life in many different ways. He helps me decide between good and bad. He helps me say and do the right, Christian things. He leads me to do the right things and out of harm. He equips me to go out into the world and show people and/or teach people about Christ. The Holy Spirit works in my life in more ways than I can think, those were just a few examples.

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