Senate Session

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdeboer17 at 2:43 pm on Tuesday, April 9, 2013  Tagged

I enjoyed how everyone took part in the session and stated their opinion. They would talk about what they wanted to happen instead and give new ideas. I also got frustrated when people would raise their hand and ask the same question over and over again or when a bill would get passed that makes […]

Comparing Government

Filed under: Uncategorized — mdeboer17 at 3:55 pm on Thursday, March 7, 2013  Tagged ,

Something that surprised me was that the United Kingdom doesn’t have a written constitution. It only has laws that are enforced. In Thailand they also have a constitutional monarchy, so they are ruled by a king. Also Jamaica got their independence on the day the constitution was ratified. My countries were somewhat similar to the […]

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