Immigration Day

We had immigration day at school and we had people come and tell us about how they immigrated. I got to talk to Sue. Sue immigrated to the U.S for schooling she was really fun because she talks really fast and she laughs a lot. I had another person to her name is Fifi she is german.

What impacted me most was that german put up a wall call the wall of berlin. It was really hard because half of her family lives on the western side and they lived on eastern side. So they wouldn’t be able to see their family. I goes it was important to me because I had to do it for class but it was really fun just getting to know some people and what they did their whole life and what they went through to get here.A lot of people come to the U.S.A for schooling.

This challenged me because now I know to be more grateful for my family because I could not stay away from my family for 10 or more years that would be hard. It is not just your family family like your big family with all your cousins and aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas for almost ten years