Cinder Volcano

unnamed  We (McKenna Olivia and Maddie) had to create a volcano for science. We made a Cinder Volcano. We still have to make it explode. He have a hot spring. To explode it we use coke and men-toes and for our hot spring we are going to use backing soda and vinegar.


We had to do an experience in science an when we did this projected What my observation was we pored a drop in and then it stayed there in the middle and then it faded up.

The Carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle

The fossil fuel from a factory goes up into the air. Then it rains down the fossil fuels go down into the  ground. The animals eat the soil or grass witch has fossil fuels in it. Then the waste product from that animal go into the air. And that fuels go in to the air. The cycle starts all over again. carbon_cycle_1