United Kingdom

We experienced traveling through countries my experience of this was seeing the different languages of saying hello in so many different languages. It was fun just in doing this experience. But doing in real life and actually going and traveling through would be cool. What was frustrating about this is when you have to cross through you have to all the same thing if you were going out. I would improve it by bringing all theses counties in to one.

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Mexico Google Maps


In the a city in Mexico the roads are more narrow and small were they sometimes cant drive, but it is in the poor parts of Mexico. But Zeeland  every road you can drive on. In Mexico there are smaller houses in the poor parts, the houses that are small is like when the houses are made out os scraps. In Zeeland they don’t use scraps they are stable if a storm came through.In Mexico mostly every city or country has spanish every where because they are a spanish speaking country. In Zeeland are signs are all English.



In Mexico they have a lot of the same rest-rants as Zeeland. Its just that there sign for like a toco rest-rants is in spanish. In Mexico they big houses in the rich and nice part of Mexico in Zeeland there are nice houses. In Mexico they have the same weather as Zeeland in the summer.



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Amazon Rain Forest

I think the Settlers have the best case. Why I think the Settlers have the best case is because they don’t want to harm anyone. The Settlers they only cut down the trees and they settle. Once they cut down the trees they sell the trees. Its good to because then the Settlers can keep spreading to grow crops. Its bad for the Loggers that want the trees. They want the trees so that they can make money of they trees. But if the Settlers get there first and start coming down the trees the Loggers are not happy. The Loggers cut down all the trees and if some of the trees are not good they burn them. The Settlers are better because they Settle and grow and the Loggers cut down the trees and burns the bad ones.

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Immigration Day

We had immigration day at school and we had people come and tell us about how they immigrated. I got to talk to Sue. Sue immigrated to the U.S for schooling she was really fun because she talks really fast and she laughs a lot. I had another person to her name is Fifi she is german.

What impacted me most was that german put up a wall call the wall of berlin. It was really hard because half of her family lives on the western side and they lived on eastern side. So they wouldn’t be able to see their family. I goes it was important to me because I had to do it for class but it was really fun just getting to know some people and what they did their whole life and what they went through to get here.A lot of people come to the U.S.A for schooling.

This challenged me because now I know to be more grateful for my family because I could not stay away from my family for 10 or more years that would be hard. It is not just your family family like your big family with all your cousins and aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas for almost ten years

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Picture Book Advice


– You can tell a lot about your character by it name.

– Take your book step by step

-Find what works for you

– Do good and interesting things

– Read out loud to your writing


-Don’t copy other ideas

– Don’t write stories like The End at the end of it

-Simple does not mean simplistic



-A story that inspires a reader

-Have to have a little hummer.



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Before you clean you have to clean up

While you cleaning don’t let anyone mess it up

Though you want to site you have to clean

Around the corner with the duster

Up and down cleaning the walls

Above you theres dust every were

On top of the of the rail you need to wipe theres a little dust mite

Down where you walk you need to sweep

Above and beyond there are dust mites every were

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Twin Towers

As I look at the pictures and stories in the newspapers from 9/11. I feel really sad I cant believe theses people would what o hurt other people. But I am so glad that they made a sanctuary for the people who died. The mad

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New Addition Dedication

We are writing on a rock and throughting  them in a big hole and then they will put cement over top and then the will put the school on top of that. My rock says love I don’t no why I wrote it. I just love, love. I hope  make a lot of new memories in the new addition. I I pray that it will be used wisely. Like no people recking  it.

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Egypt Project

Ancient and Modern Egypt are very interesting. This picture here is our exhibit. Our group learned about ancient and modern Egypt  Technology and Art.  Our group  learned that for  technology they made tooth-paste and make-up and they made weapons and they invented the calendar to know when the annual flooding occurred and thus found out that there’s 365 days in a year. For Art in modern times, they draw paintings and sculptures. They have a large variety of types of art: mosaics to paintings to sculptures to architecture and digital art.



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Reflecting As A Learner

I am learning in science about eggs and how the out side of the egg is the crust like the earth. The next part of the egg is like the earth so the whole earth is like the egg. In L.A I am learning about my self and how I am wonderfully made by Jesus. In health we are learning about spiritual health and how I am made different and how I have different likes then other people like cleaning.

A skill I learned is how to research things about Egypt and Bible things. I’m also learning how to write thing on your blog how to write more and explain thing more and get deeper in to the research.


I learn best by talking and getting more deep in to a conversation and doing something to under stand it more. I also learn well by being in groups and hearing  their ideas and by talking alone with the teacher after class more about it, like when I ask Mr. N for extra help after class.







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Are  group went to are leaders church.  People go there to get food.  So we made cookies for them and we made candy cars, candy trains for the kids so they wouldn’t get board.

I felt what we did was nice but they were not  there when we made cookies for them and made candy cars, candy trains for the kids because it is usually  on a saturday that people come to get there food.

and are group talked about how we are helping but we aren’t talking to them and gets to now them so it wasn’t that fun then but I felt good about making that stuff for them

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Studying for a test gives me stress.  It hard to phonics then when I am stressed out.  knowing I mite not get in done in time.  I respond to it by starting to study earlier. It gives me stress because Im not getting what it is trying to say.  If i am going to get it done in time.


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Nutrition and Exercise

I learned that breakfast is really important part of your day because it gives you  energy for the day.

This matters because if you dont eat breakfast you wont have any  energy for the day and wont be good.


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