Every kid should play a sport (ESSAY)

Every kid should play a sport

BY:Natalie Nyhof


Every kid should play a sport for 3 reasons: to get exercise, its fun and it gives you a chance to play outside.

Every kid should play a sport because you can get exercise. For example one day I was playing soccer and I could feel I was getting exercise. I knew I was getting exercise because I was sweaty and I needed a drink.

Every kid should play a sport because it is very fun. For example I play a sport I think it is so fun that it is more fun than sitting inside and watching T.V. all day because there is more things outside to do than inside on the T.V.

Every kid should play a sport because it gives you a chance to play outside, For example one day I was outside all day I felt so good because outside gave me fresh air and the sun.

I hope I helped you learn that every kid should play a sport because you get exercise, its fun, and it gives you a chance to play outside.

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