Market Day Reflection

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

That sometimes it is hard to work in groups but it usually ends up well because you work together.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

That it is sort of hard to come up with a product because you want to sell out and you want to have fun plus you want it to be popular.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

That thinking of a product is hard and fun because you have to come up with it with your group and your group some times does not agree with you..

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

That if you communicate with your group it will go good and then you will not argue of fight as a group.

  • What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

Selling the product and getting the money and the actual market day because I liked to sell it and to see the people when they ate it.

  • What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

Probably nothing it went well. Because we didn’t fight and we worked together.

  • What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your future learning?

That we learned about money and handling a business. I think it will help me because I want to start a business when I get older.

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