November 18

Metaphor Writing

Metaphor Writing
I am a tree. I consist of many parts, like a tree. The first way I am like a tree is a tree has roots that keep it firmly in place in the ground. I have ‘roots’ in Jesus that keep me firmly planted in God’s soil. A tree will not move from it’s spot, and neither will I.
I am a tree because I grow tall over the troubles of this world. I can move past them without stopping. The troublesome ‘vines’ wrap around me and seem to trap me, but I keep growing on.
Another way I am like a tree is that the leaves on me constantly change. Some ‘seasons’ of life are easy, like summer when all the leaves are green and there is plenty of food and sun. Others, like winter are hard, where there is little food or sun and the leaves are dead.. Other seasons are more symbolic, such as spring, which represents a new beginning, where the leaves are small and eager to grow to the next season. Fall is a season where all the leaves change color, preparing for the next ‘season’ of life. I can try to hide my troubles by making myself look like I’m fine, but they will be exposed eventually.
I am like a tree because trees are hard to kill. Sometimes, the people trimmed the tree. Even then, I will still grow back into a better person than I was before. Even If you uproot some of my life, If you miss any of the tree, I will still grow back.

Posted November 18, 2016 by tdekruyter21 in category Uncategorized

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