Hold On, Pain Ends

God at Work

In Bible we have been studying the life of Paul and how God has been preparing him from the beginning. One thing I learned this year was the Paul had a Roman citizenship, which gives him an advantage because having… Continue Reading →

Our Volcano

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been studying and building volcanoes. The volcano that we studied was Mount Rainier. On our poster, we have some facts about Mount Rainier and also explanations of Shield volcano, cinder-cone volcanoes, and composite… Continue Reading →


Our persecution project was persecution in China. We wanted to teach people and let them know what is happening to Christians in China. I made a keynote telling stories and explaining what is happening to Christians. We presented the keynote with a… Continue Reading →

P.A.U.L– The Expertos of the Building of the Towers.

In science, we built a marshmallow and spaghetti tower. Our goal is to survive an earthquake with holding an egg 40 centimeters of the ground. We had a budget of $4,875 and we could buy noodles for $100 each, marshmallows… Continue Reading →

Math Project

  My group was Audrey and Leeda. We made a kite to represent the Pythagorean Theorem. I think this was a unique idea, because not everyone made a kite. Our story is about how Rona was trying to make a… Continue Reading →

Theme Writing

Zoe Grant Mrs. Rosakamp LA, 8C 11 September 2017   Theme Writing   Lost in Love   “This is Love: Not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our… Continue Reading →

Beginning of year reflections

One thing that I have enjoyed this school year is the 8th grade camp. I really liked the team building activity that we did because the activity’s were fun but it also showed that we have to work on being… Continue Reading →

The Boat Race

Our first race didn’t go has planned. It took 20.45 seconds. We didn’t have a big enough sail, so it didn’t get very much power. We needed more weight on the back. It would have gone faster if we didn’t… Continue Reading →

Summer Vacation

This summer I went to China with my family to bring my 4 year old brother home. We took a direct flight from Chicago to Shanghai which took 14 hours. I liked the plane because I there were movies and… Continue Reading →


  Por: Zophia Grant ¿Que aprendiste? Durante nuestro tiempo estudiando sobre microempresas, yo aprendí mucho. Una microempresa es una empresa muy pequeña quien alguien había creído. Yo también leí sobre mujeres que tienen niños sin padres y no tenían un… Continue Reading →

Union Africana

Nosotros teníamos un debate sobre como podemos mejorar la Union Africana. A mi me gustaba porque podíamos preguntar preguntas y sentía que tu realmente era de tu país. Había un tiempo donde tu podías juntar con un otro 1 o 2 países… Continue Reading →



Africa Intro. Activity

What I learned- I learned that people in Northern Africa live longer than people in Central Africa. There is more than 400 languages in Nigeria Things I already knew- One thing I knew is that people in Africa really depend… Continue Reading →

Mi Viaje a Europa~ Con Zoe Grant

Mi Viaje a Eutopa- https://docs.google.com/a/zcsms.org/presentation/d/18hYlsOk9sEJ1MS5jE0rFxQG6QNbWLdeBWw4bh61MfNo/edit?usp=sharing

Rosa Parks

Camp Reflection 2

We had a camp reflection day on Friday and we really focused on 3 questions- Who am I? Who are we? Who is He? My favorite verse was Romans 8:15- “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so… Continue Reading →

Debate de Cataluña

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6IqB4yjCt0CTXA5cXhjX3V0TlE/view?ts=589494b7 Discurso- Cataluña es un país de España. Cataluña estaba unido con España cuando El rey Ferdinand de Aragón y La reina Isabella de Castile se casaron y sus reinos se unido. Esto era en el siglo 15 (desde 1401-1500)…. Continue Reading →

Theme 8- Sinai Law

My 8th, and final, theme is the Sinai law. This is about how the Israelites basically made a contract or a law with God. God gave the Israelites 10 rules to follow. They agreed to follow them. But that is… Continue Reading →

Theme 7- Call

My 7th theme is Call. God calls us. He tells us the truth. He says- I love you, you are beautiful, I’m your God, I forgive you. The world says- You’re ugly, nobody loves you. You have to follow God,… Continue Reading →

Theme 6- Something is Rotten

My 6th theme is Something is Rotten. This is when the Israelites are worshiping Baal because of Ahab and Jezebel and because they wanted to. Ahab married Jezebel which was the worst idea because Jezebel worshiped idols. So Elijah challenged… Continue Reading →

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