The Quad


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 28, 2013




“Oh’’ said Brian. He looked at his birthday present, a Quad. ‘’Do you you like it?” asked his Dad “Umm yeah” said Brain. To be honest with himself, he was extremely scared to be standing three feet away from it much more ride it!  The reason he was scared was because once his Mom and him were driving and the tire exploded. His Mom got extremely hurt and got into a very deep coma (what the doctor said was like a deep sleep only deeper). Now after 2 years she was still in a coma and Brian never rode a car or motorized vehicle but he didn’t tell his friends. when they saw him walking or biking but they just thought he was crazy about exercise. His dad thought he had gotten over it but his fear only got worse. “ Why don’t we start this thing up” said his dad. That was the question brain was dreading but he said “Ok” because he know that his dad must have spent mouths of his spare time fixing the Quad up. His dad got out a helmet and helped Brian get it on, with every moment brian was more terrified but tried not to show it. This was the moment he dreaded most, his Dad pulled the starting cord and the engine roared to life. Brian said above the engine “I’m hungry’’, so his dad cut the engine and Brian got some food. After that his, dad said that he had to go to the store to buy something. After Brian was sure that his dad was gone he decided to try the quad. He pulled the starting cord and the engine once again roared to life. He got on and slowly, ever so slowly, pulled the throttle back and the quad slowly started forward. Brain was shaking so much, the shocks were bouncing so he stopped and parked it in the garage. The next day at school his friends said “We saw you riding a quad was that yours?” “yeah it was my birthday present” said Brian regretting  that he had taken the quad out. “ Cool, we were going to take our quads out for a spin at the trails but now you can come too, so meet us at the trails with your quad 6:00 then we can have a night ride!” said his friends. “OK sounds great” said Brian even though he though it sounded like death to him. At 5:45 he started up his quad and headed to the trials or what he thought of as the trials of death. When he got there, he saw his friends and there quads nailing ramps. They called him and said “ Hey Brian common lets go” Brian said to himself either I go home and act like a wimp or I can nail the ramps with my friends. It’s all or nothing Brian said to himself. He gunned the engine and nailed a huge ramp and he got 5 feet of air, it was one of the most terrifying and awesome moments in his life. “THAT WAS AWESOME” said his friends. “Lets go on the rest of the trial!” said Brian.




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