What I did this summer


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 31, 2016

I have done lots of things this summer. One of the things that I did this summer was finishing 8th grade math, it was lots of work and sometimes quite frustrating, but in the end it was worth it. Now I can take advanced math classes as a senior and get college credits and save lots of money. Another thing that I did this summer was taking apart a weed wacker motor. It was lots of fun learning about how the motor worked and was a fun way to spend time with my dad. One of the highlights of my summer was canoeing on a river in northern Michigan while we were camping. The river was quite fast in some places and was full of sharp rocks that could damage or flip a canoe. I had to be careful not to run into any of the rocks in the river or my friend and I might get stuck on a rock or flip! One cool place that I went to over the summer was to a cottage on lake Michigan. My great Uncle picked us up and took us on a ride along the shore of lake Michigan in his speedboat, but since there was so much fog on the lake we couldn’t go for long. I had a great summer, but I am also excited about starting a new year at ZCS.

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