Egyptian Project


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 1, 2014

For the past few weeks we have been working on a project to make an Egyptian museum exhibit. We were assigned a small group that we would be working with for the next three weeks. My group was Colin, Even, and Joey. Colin was very informative and knew a lot about Egypt. Even was almost always willing to work with ideas. Joey always listened to ideas and did not criticize them. We chose to Work more intensely on Egyptian art and technology. We had a lego model of a pyramid and the Egyptians quarrying stones, then hauling stones, and making tools. I learned that the Egyptians made extremely organized art with colors that could last up to thousands of years. They also had to haul about 2,000,000 blocks that were about 6,000 pounds each to make just the pyramid of Khufu. One of these monster stones would have had to be placed every 2 min. or less to complete it in about 20 years! I think that it is important to learn about the Egyptians because we can not just learn about them but we can learn from them.

Comments (1)

Yeah, I like how you worked together really well and that you said how many blocks for just the pyramid of Khufu. And yes I agree that we can learn from the Egyptians.

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