Metaphor Writing


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 18, 2016

Brad Gerritsma

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

14 November 2016

Metaphor Writing

I am a tree. A tree has many different parts that work together to make one tree. I have many different attributes, that work together to make me. One way that I am like a tree is how a tree has many leaves that collect sunlight and give the tree what it needs. These leaves are like are like the people in my life. They give me advice and guidance, and support me in times of trouble. Like leaves they come and go from my life, but their impact never fades. They give me compliments and encourage me when I am feeling down. Without leaves a tree will quickly die and cease to grow. Without parents, friends, grandparents, teachers, and many others, I would not be where I am today.

Another way that I am like a tree is that a tree has many rings, they are not obvious at first glance, because the other layer is all that you can see. Although, once you look deeper, you see all of the other rings that led to the outer ring being created. The layers are like the experiences in my life that have shaped me to be me. Without the previous rings, the outer layer would not be there, the weight of the tree would make the outer layer crumple and the entire tree would come crashing down. These experiences have helped me to learn, and grow deeper in my faith, helping me to become who I am today.   

I am also like a tree because a tree has many different branches that can support and give a home to birds and other animals. Often, when birds land in a tree, they make nests in its’ branches chirping and signing. The branches are like my different characteristics, interests, abilities, and hobbies. The birds and animals, are like different opportunities in my life. When a tree has many strong branches, birds like to make their nests their. When I have many different interests and hobbies, sometimes I get cool opportunities to do different things. If a tree doesn’t have any branches, it is not likely that a bird will want to live there. If I didn’t learn about different things that interest me, or make an effort to develop my God given abilities, then it is not likely that I will have many different opportunities.  

Finally, I am like a tree because a tree has many roots that reach down to the water to nourish it and keep it anchored in a storm. These roots are like my believes and faith in God. Through prayer and the reading of God’s word I am nourished spiritually so that I can stand strong when the storms of life come. If a tree has shallow roots, it will be the first to fall in a storm, and the first to die in a drought, but it a tree had deep roots, it will be able to withstand the storm and reach water in a drought. If my faith is shallow and I am not really committed, I will fall when troubles come, or be dried up in a time of drought.

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