Science Bridge


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 2, 2017

This is it, we are done! Everything has come together nicely and working with my group has been a blast. In the end the bridge was able to support 51 pounds before it violently split into two pieces.

Science Bridges


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 1, 2017

This is our science bridge, and it is extremely close to being done. All we have to do now is finish up the walkway, add some extra glue at important connections, add braces from the lower parts of the bases to slightly out onto the bridge, and we will be completely done.

Science Bridges


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 26, 2017

This is our Science bridge, we made a lot of progress since last time, now it is really starting to look like a bridge. The only thing that we have left to do is add a ton of toothpicks next to each other on the bottom to form a walkway, and add some reinforcements in places.

Science Bridge


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 25, 2017

This is where we are at with our Science bridge, we have completed the 2ed base, and have finished the bracing on the two walls, everybody worked together well, and we got lots done. We still need to connect the two walls with cross beams, do some final touches on the bases, had a “road” of toothpicks on the bottom of the bridge, leaving a 2cm by 2cm hole in the middle for the string to go through, and finally glue the bridge on the bases.


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 24, 2017

This is our science bridge so far, we have started on the two walls, and are working on the 2ed base. We still have a ways to go, but things are shaping up nicely. We still have to finish all the triangular bracing for the two walls between the two beams, then connect them together on the bottom and top, finish the 2ed base, and glue the whole thing on.

Science Bridge


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 23, 2017

This is some of our progress that we have made on our bridge. We have started to assemble the first base, and are working on one of the four main support beams. We also have completed all of the tooth picks that need to be glued in pairs or triplets.

Science Bridges


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 22, 2017

This is the humble beginnings of our Science bridge that hopefully, in one week, will be able to support 30 pounds. We have glued together about 90 pairs of toothpicks in this picture, and have two of the pieces that will come together to form one side of  two bases for the bridge.

God at work


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 12, 2017

God prepared Paul for his work in God’s kingdom in that he was born in Tarsus a big modern city for that time, and that he could speak many languages along with the fact that he had dual citizenship. God has also prepared me in many ways. I have been blessed to live in America, and go to a great school. I have had the opportunity to run sound for many chapels, and have been given a very hardworking personality. God has blessed me with amazing academic success and has given me a smart mind. God has used many of these gifts and talents for work in his kingdom, but one specifically would be that I have used my gift of running sound for chapels to help to lead people in worship of him.        

Science volcanoes


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 29, 2017

This is our volcano. It is modeled after kilauea, and is a shield volcano. It explodes using hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, red food coloring, yeast, and water, spilling out as red frothy liquid. There is a cut out showing the magma chamber and pipe.

8th Grade Christian Persecution Research Paper


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 29, 2017

Brad Gerritsma

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

9 March 2017


Christian Persecution Research Paper


It’s easy to get sucked into our own little isolated world, where we can be happy and comfortable. One where we can be well within our comfort zone, but around the world, on average, according to Vatican official Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi, over 270 Christians will die today for their faith. Christians have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted in countries today, such as, Columbia; however, there are things we can do to help these Christians.

Lots of people persecuted Christians in the past, many of whom were Roman emperors. Nero was one of the worst persecutors of Christians in his day. He loved to torment Christians day and night. In the day he would torture them by putting them in animal skins and let dogs tear them to pieces. At night, he would cover them in a flammable material and set them on fire to light the night. Many other Roman emperors persecuted Christians, including Domitian, under whose reign the mere confession of being a Christian would lead to death. Christians in the Roman empire suffered many things, but the most common thing they experienced was getting all the blame for bad things that happened to the people. Often times, natural disasters, storms and other misfortunes were blamed on Christians. In one case, Nero even blamed a huge fire in Rome on Christians because everybody thought that he had started it. Christians in general were thought of as mysterious, suspicious, and superstitious. The general public disliked Christians, and thought that they brought natural disasters on towns by angering their gods by not worshiping them.

Even today, persecution still exists, in places like Colombia, rebel militant groups like the FARC, (translating to “Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia”) persecute Christians. The beliefs of Christians and those of the rebels often directly contradict. Leaders of the FARC know that often, when members of the FARC are converted to Christianity, they will drop their weapons and refuse to fight, knowing that what they are doing is wrong. Christians in areas controlled by rebel groups face the worst persecution, with Church property being confiscated, and Churches being destroyed. Christians are harassed, and church leaders are sometimes even killed by rebel groups. Even through all this, the message of Christ is still being spread, one rebel leader even complained that the Christians were the biggest problem they had. Saying that whenever they arrived at some remote area there was always some nun with a Bible under his arm preaching about Jesus!

Even though people in Colombia are being persecuted, they are not without help. Many people around the world are helping the persecuted in Colombia. One man in particular named Russell Standel has been helping persecuted Christians, and spreading the gospel though the radio. He goes around to the most remote places he can get to in search of people to give his solar powered radios to. This is a huge tool for winning people for Christ and encouraging them in the faith through trials like persecution. Organizations like Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs do a lot for people who are persecuted. Open Doors helps to provide Bibles, evangelistic training, and other Christians literature to persecuted Christians and impoverished families. They also help to provide micro loans and job training. Voice of the Martyrs does a lot for the persecuted, not only through spreading awareness of persecution around the world, but also through outreach and support of persecuted Christians. They provide action packs for people in need, which include basic needs like a blanket, some clothing items, personal hygiene items, and most importaintly, a Bible, or gospel story book.

Christians have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted in countries today, such as, Columbia; however, there are things we can do to help these Christians. One of the ways that we can remember how to help persecuted Christians is the acronym PLEAD. P stands for pray for persecuted Christians, this is our biggest, and most powerful weapon against persecution, I can pray for all of those around the world who face persecution. L stands for learn about persecution, because we can only fight effectively against something that we know about. I have done this by learning about about persecution in Colombia, and other nations where Christians are being persecuted. E stands for educate, because if more people know, and are educated about persecution, more people can fight against it. I have done this through the persecution project. A stands for advocate, we have been blessed with freedom of speech, and we can use that to help the persecuted Christians around the world by writing letters to our leaders and officials. I have done this by sending a letter to Mice Pece about Christian persecution. Finally, D stands for donate, organizations that help persecuted Christians can’t do it on their own, they need our help. One of the easiest ways that we can help them is by giving money.    




Atkinson, Jay. “Nero.” Nero. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2017.


“Christian Light Filling Colombia’s ‘Spiritual Black Hole’.” (beta). N.p., 25 Sept. 2015. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.


Davies, Keith. “What Does Christian Persecution Look like in Colombia?” Rescue Christians. N.p., 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.


Ferguson, Everett. “Christian History Institute.” Christian History Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.


Ferguson, Everett. “Persecution in the Early Church: Did You Know?” Christian History | Learn the History of Christianity & the Church. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.


Galli, Mark. “Persecution in the Early Church: A Gallery of the Persecuting Emperors.”Christian History | Learn the History of Christianity & the Church. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2017.


“Jesus is worth it.” Voice of the martyrs, Aug. 2016, pp. 4-5.


Open Doors. “About Us.” Open Doors USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.


Roys , CP Op-Ed Contributor, Julie. “5 Ways We Can Help Persecuted Christians.” The Christian Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.


“The Second Persecution, Under Domitian, A.D. 81.” Bible Study Tools. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.


Voice of the Martyrs. “Legacy Giving.” Legacy Giving Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.
Weinstein, Arthur. “10 Shocking Facts About Christian Persecution Today.” Listosaur | Hungry for Knowledge. N.p., 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.

Entrada de blog #5


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 25, 2017

Parte 1

Hospitals en Panamá son muy similar de hospitales en los estados unidos por. Perro, hospitales en Panamá possible tienen menos opciones de medicina. Incluye la cirugía, los inyecciones, y radiografías. Hospitales en Panamá tienes muchos opciones, perro, estas no son igual de los hospitales de los Estados Unidos. Panamá tiene enfermeras por sus hospitales. También, tienes opciones de la medicina.


Quien: Crystal Rose Briscoe

Qué: La policía detonó ella

Cuando: Veintitrés de Marzo  

Como: El policía encontró ella y detonó ella

Donde: Panama City

Por Qué: Porque ella ayudó un criminal


Yo pienso que es triste que un mujer ayudó un criminal.

Persecution Project


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 16, 2017

This is our video we made to help people learn about persecution persecution in Colombia. It is broken into three different pieces since the video was too big, so you will have to watch it separately.




LA Mysteries


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 22, 2017

Brad Gerritsma

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

17 February 2017


Mystery of the Abhorrent Arsonist  


“Junk, Junk, Junk, that all there is in this old house.” muttered Brandon, “I can’t believe you hold on to this much stuff.”

Brandon and Sally were going through all of Sally’s stuff that was stored in the attic of their house. Sally loved to hold onto things, and there was everything from toothbrushes to tables in the attic.

Brandon would have liked to get rid of it all, but most of it meant something to Sally, and going through it in the hot stuffy attic with itchy insulation sticking to your pants was one of the things that both she and Brandon dreaded. The house was very old, but Sally loved it. Prices for homes all around their neighborhood had spiked almost three times what most people would have paid for them, because a major oil company wanted the land to drill oil. Oil was found under the neighborhood, and the oil company wanted to drill for oil.  

Brandon wanted more than anything to just move out of the house to one three times as nice. He thought that if they didn’t move out soon, when Oliver, their baby boy grew up, he would want to stay to. The house meant something to Sally though and she just didn’t want to move. So Brandon had gotten an extremely good insurance plan for Sally.  If anything happened to the house, they would get the exact price it was worth, Sally loved it because she never wanted to leave the house.

“I think after this we should invite some of our friends over for a party” said Sally.

“Sounds great,” said Brandon, “I need a break from this.”

“We can invite your friend Joe, and I can invite Lydia and Samantha.”

“That sounds good, only I’m not so sure about Lydia and Samantha, if they bring their husbands, John and Tom….” said Brandon

“Yeah, they will probably burn the house down,” added Sally sarcastically.

“Wouldn’t that be tragic,” said Brandon with a hint of sarcasm.

“Really though, it can’t be that bad, you know how much Joe’s wife Jane wants to get even with me for the time I accidently put a hole in her nice new shoes” said Jane.

“Yeah, but you really did destroy her band new shoes, but let’s invite them over and if they bring their family, so be it” said Brandon.

“Ok, I’ll call Lydia and Samantha and invite them to come over tomorrow, on Friday night, and you can call Joe.”

“Sounds good, anything to get out of this stuffy attic.”

One day later, the preparations were set, unfortunately, Brandon and Sally’s friends were bringing their families along, but it wouldn’t be too bad, after all, what is the worst that could happen?

“Hey your guys, come on in!” said Sally, opening the door for the newly arriving guests. Joe came in and started talking with Brandon, but Jane went down stairs to check social media on her phone.

“Sorry about that,” said Joe, “My wife has forgotten her manners, let me go down and bring her up.”

“No, really, it’s ok, let them hang out down there for a while, we can bring her up once we have dinner” said Sally, not really caring if Jane never came up at all.

“Ok, well, it looks like the Robertsons are arriving just now,”said Joe.

Sure enough, Tom and Lydia got out of their brand new Ford F-150 pickup truck. Tom had gotten a new truck after Brandon’s truck had rolled down a hill, pushing it off a cliff, and into a lake. Tom suspected that Brandon had really drove his truck straight into his truck to destroy it, but Brandon insisted that he had not.

Tom didn’t even acknowledge Brandon, and went straight downstairs to join Jane. When Lydia walked in she greeted Sally and they went into the living room to chat.

20 minutes latter, Samantha and John arrived. Samantha ran up to the door and rushed in to join Sally and Lydia. While John reluctantly sulked off to join Brandon. John had a long lasting rivalry with Brandon, which went way back to second grade when Brandon had won against Tom in t-ball.

After a while of chatting they all sat down for dinner to eat together. Unfortunately, during dinner, a discussion on politics turned into a heated debate, which quickly rose to a shouting match. Which with two bloody noses, 3 black eyes, and a dislocated shoulder. Thankfully, Lydia was a nurse and able to relocated the shoulder, but John stormed off to the backyard, saying that he was going to start a fire to roast marshmallows. While Tom marched off to downstairs to sulk in a guest bedroom, and Jane quickly got up to join him in the north-east guest bedroom, where it was dark because the setting sun didn’t shine in the windows.

“Well, that didn’t go so well.” said Sally, as she got up to clear the table.

“Yeah, I think I might go up to check on Oliver.” said Brandon, walking with his plate past the kitchen, and after a few seconds, went to the living room, then after a short pause, up the stairs to Oliver’s room. Sally always liked to watch the sunset from behind Oliver’s windows.

“I’m going to go help John start the fire” said Tom, talking a lighter from the kitchen drawer.

“Can you start a fire in the fire place for me?” asked Kim.

“Sure, honey, I’ll do that right away” said Sally.

That’s odd,thought Sally, “I thought we had three lighters, and there aren’t any left. Well, I guess I will have to use matches.”

Sally walked over to the fireplace but was surprised to find that all the newspaper in the cabinet next to the fireplace was gone. “I wonder who took that? I told John where the newspaper for starting the bonfire was.” thought Sally.

Sally when over to the recycling bin where she pulled out an old pizza box to start the fire instead.

“Sally! The house is on fire!” screamed Brandon from upstairs, running down the stairs with Oliver in his arms. “I looked out from Oliver’s room, and the downstairs north-east bedroom wall facing the backyard is completely on fire!” said Brandon as he shifted over Oliver in his arms to brush off a piece of insulation from his pants.

“Everybody out of the house!” yelled Sally.

Thankfully the main floor, and the surrounding walls had not caught on fire yet, and everybody made it out of the house safely.

Brandon handed Oliver to Sally, who ran out to the front yard where all of the others had gathered. While Brandon ran out to the garage to grab a gas tank and some spray paint bottles, and take them out so that the flammable spray paint and gas would not explode. Finding that they were missing, he ran out to join all the others just as the entire roof collapsed, bursting into a huge fireball.

Brandon and Sally’s house burned down to the ground that day, destroying everything they owned. No one ever found out what or who started the fire, yet strangely, Brandon didn’t seem too upset, and he was always looking on the bright side, and tried to keep his wife thinking positive. Thankfully, Brandon and Sally’s insurance covered it, and they were reimbursed the full value of the house. They moved to a beautiful house on the shores of Lake Michigan, where Brandon and Oliver, when he got older loved it. Yet Sally still missed the house, and each day felt secretly betrayed at the terrible crime that her husband had done. For the police would not believe her when she told her story.



Brandon started the fire in the attic of their house, taking the missing lighter, and newspaper to help get it going. The fire spread quickly in the attic once it was started, and Brandon rushed down with Oliver in his arms, but in his haste, forgot to check his pants for the insulation that could stick to them, which he noticed when he got down stairs, trying to brush it off without drawing attention to it.

Brandon said that he saw the fire from the west facing window in Oliver’s room, from which would be impossible to see the east or north facing wall of the north-east guest bedroom. Also, when Brandon ran out of the house, the roof collapsed, which would be impossible if the fire was started where Brandon said it was, because 20 seconds before, there had been no fire on the main floor.

John, Jane, and Tom did wreck some of Brandon and Sally’s property, but not with fire. John, when he when out to start the fire, really took the bottles of spray paint to put graffiti on the side of Brandon and Sally’s house, but the graffiti was destroyed when the house burned down.

Tom said he was going to help start the fire, which he did using the gas tank from the garage, but only after he slashed the tires, and smashed the windows of Tom’s truck. He did this to get revenge for on Brandon for when he thought he destroyed his truck. Brandon didn’t notice this because the garage collapsed during the fire, completely destroying his truck. And finally, while Jane was downstairs, she ripped, shredded, and destroyed every last item from Sally’s wardrobe to get revenge on her for the time Sally wrecked her nice new shoes and burned her foot.


Entrada de la bog #4


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 8, 2017

Estos son los fotos de cuatro deportes juegan in Panama. Personas en panamá les gustan juegan basquetbol, beisbol, futbol, y boxeo. En béisbol los atletas quieren golpear la pelota con la bate. En fútbol, los atletas quieran patear la pelota en el gol. En basquetbol los atletas quieran tirar la pelota en la red. Boxeo, en mi opinión es muy peligroso.

Spaghetti Tower


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 6, 2017

This is our spaghetti tower that we built in Science class. We used spaghetti sticks, tape, and marshmallows to build a tower that would hold an egg 40 cm above the ground and withstand a simulated earthquake. We had a budget of $4,875. We constructed a tower in a pyramid type form and used three spaghetti sticks on the main supports to make it stronger. After we had constructed these we joined them all together to with a lot of bracing.

Entrada de la Blog # 3


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 9, 2017


Roberto Duran


Carlos Ruiz


John Mccain


Juan Carlos Varela


Mariano Rivera

John Mccain está sirviendo como un senador. John Mccain necesita plancha la ropa, por el es un persona muy importante y necesita ropa perfecto.  También John Mccain debe ser limpio, y organizado. Por, si el es sucio, el no está un bein senador. Mariano Rivera no jugado béisbol hoy, un poco tiempo antes de hoy, en 2012, Él todavía juegan béisbol cuando él es 43 años.




Metaphor Writing


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 18, 2016

Brad Gerritsma

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

14 November 2016

Metaphor Writing

I am a tree. A tree has many different parts that work together to make one tree. I have many different attributes, that work together to make me. One way that I am like a tree is how a tree has many leaves that collect sunlight and give the tree what it needs. These leaves are like are like the people in my life. They give me advice and guidance, and support me in times of trouble. Like leaves they come and go from my life, but their impact never fades. They give me compliments and encourage me when I am feeling down. Without leaves a tree will quickly die and cease to grow. Without parents, friends, grandparents, teachers, and many others, I would not be where I am today.

Another way that I am like a tree is that a tree has many rings, they are not obvious at first glance, because the other layer is all that you can see. Although, once you look deeper, you see all of the other rings that led to the outer ring being created. The layers are like the experiences in my life that have shaped me to be me. Without the previous rings, the outer layer would not be there, the weight of the tree would make the outer layer crumple and the entire tree would come crashing down. These experiences have helped me to learn, and grow deeper in my faith, helping me to become who I am today.   

I am also like a tree because a tree has many different branches that can support and give a home to birds and other animals. Often, when birds land in a tree, they make nests in its’ branches chirping and signing. The branches are like my different characteristics, interests, abilities, and hobbies. The birds and animals, are like different opportunities in my life. When a tree has many strong branches, birds like to make their nests their. When I have many different interests and hobbies, sometimes I get cool opportunities to do different things. If a tree doesn’t have any branches, it is not likely that a bird will want to live there. If I didn’t learn about different things that interest me, or make an effort to develop my God given abilities, then it is not likely that I will have many different opportunities.  

Finally, I am like a tree because a tree has many roots that reach down to the water to nourish it and keep it anchored in a storm. These roots are like my believes and faith in God. Through prayer and the reading of God’s word I am nourished spiritually so that I can stand strong when the storms of life come. If a tree has shallow roots, it will be the first to fall in a storm, and the first to die in a drought, but it a tree had deep roots, it will be able to withstand the storm and reach water in a drought. If my faith is shallow and I am not really committed, I will fall when troubles come, or be dried up in a time of drought.

God Sightings


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 7, 2016

I saw God over the weekend, through how Luke Hogaboom, got hit by a car, but was not seriously injured. Luke was riding his bike with his dad, when a car ran a red light and hit him, he got some bruises and scrapes, but other than that was not seriously injured. I saw God through how he watches over us each day, and how not a hair can fall from our heads without the will of our Father in heaven.

Thematic Writing


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 26, 2016

Bradley Gerritsma

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

19 October 2016

The Swiss Family Robinson

I have been reading The Swiss Family Robinson. This book is about a family that, while sailing to colonise a certain land, their ship was caught in a huge storm, and was blown near an island and thrust against some rocks. While the ship was lodged in the rocks, the crew abandoned them and left in lifeboats. After the storm had passed, the Robinson Family took as much stuff from the boat as possible, and brought it to the island. The family faced many trials and hardships, but with God’s help, and through working together they were able to survive and even thrive on the island. Using what God had given them, to make the best of their situation. Through reading The Swiss Family Robinson I have realized that with God’s help, you can make the best of even the worst situations by using what He has given you, and working together, and not giving up.

One conflict was that the Robinson family was stuck on an deserted Island and had no idea how they were going to get back to their home. Yet they used what God had given them to make the best of their situation. Shipwrecked on the rocks of an Island, abandoned by the crew, and in the middle of a raging storm, waiting from their ship to slip back into the ocean and sink. The Robinson Family had every reason to give up, but they did not. They prayed to God, waited out the storm, and brought as much stuff as possible off of their ship and on the the Island. They used what they had to make a huge tree house that they lived in to from the summer. For the winter they found and furnished a large salt cave, in which they waited out the rainy season. The Robinson family worked together and used what they had to survive and even thrive in a situation that would have led most to lose hope.

Another conflict that the Robinsons faced was that animals from beyond a dividing mountain rage were coming in through a pass in the mountains, destroying their fields and driving their animals off into the woods. Even though animals repeatedly raided their farms and wrecked their stuff the Robinson family worked together to stop the attacks from happening again. They trapped and shot some of the monkeys to try to keep them from coming again, but latter on the came back again and wrecked havoc on their farm. So they put bowls of poison in the branches of trees to teach them not to come to their farm. Yet again, another animal attack occurred, this time from elephants that had broken down their barricade that they had made to keep animals out. Yet they did not give up, they used what they had to build their barricade even stronger, so as to fortify their farm from animal attacks. With the help of God they came up with clever solutions to the conflicts that they faced, making the best of their situation.

Through reading The Swiss Family Robinson I have realized that with God’s help, you can make the best of even the worst situations by using what He has given you, and working together, and not giving up. I really enjoyed reading The Swiss Family Robinson because it was an interesting story, but there wasn’t violence or bad language like there is in some books. The worst violence in this book was the killing of some animals. Also, I thought it was cool how they worked together as a family and came up with clever solutions to their problems. I would highly recommend The Swiss Family Robinson to anyone who likes books about wilderness survival. This book is a great fit for those how like a good clean book.     

Chain Link Creations


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 17, 2016


For the past couple of days in Science we have been making chains out of a variety of different materials. We are graded on what place we get out of all the groups in the class. We get points for the  length of our chain and for how much weight it can hold. There are 5 bottles of varying weight that we can try to hang on our chain, if your chain can support more weights, you get more points. Some of the materials that my group used were 200 cm of string, 200 cm of masking tape, 10 pipe cleaners, 10 rubber bands, and folded strips of paper. I think that the project has been going well, seeing as our chain has been able to hold all the weights so far, and is quite long. One thing that I might do differently next time is to twist the masking tape to that the sticky side is facing inward, rather than outward.

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