Names of Jesus


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 13, 2016

This week in Bible we have been studying different names of Jesus, my name was Lord. Lord, by definition means someone of something that has power and authority. This is a very fitting name for Jesus, since all  authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, and he is very powerful. This name refers to Jesus’ divinity, because no one on earth is all powerful, or has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Lord is definitely a fitting name for Jesus.

La Introducción


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 21, 2016


imgres                                       panama-city-580x300


Panamá es de América Central, y es cerca de la Océano Atlántico, y la Océano Pacífico.

Panamá es cerca de Costa Rica, y Colombia. La capital de Panamá es Panamá ciudad.

Science Boat


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 10, 2016


In Science we got to make boats out of lots of different supplies, like styrofoam, popsicle sticks, rubber bands, styrofoam cups, and aluminum foil, just to name a few. We had to write down all of the supplies that we took for our boat, after we were done building the boat we got to test it. Mr. Devries set up two water ways on which we could test our boats, they were made of Pvc Piping that was cut in half and filled with water. Mr. Devries also set up a fan as a source of power for our boats, we decided to use that source of power in our boat by placing a styrofoam cup on its side between two pontoons made of styrofoam. We lined the bottom and sides of the pontoons with aluminum foil, and also placed a large square piece of it over the cup to catch more air. In testing our boat when as fast as 4 seconds, faster than any other boat in the grade that we knew of, but unfortunately, in the official time trial, we got 8 seconds due to the tin foil lining being folded up the wrong way.

What I did this summer


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 31, 2016

I have done lots of things this summer. One of the things that I did this summer was finishing 8th grade math, it was lots of work and sometimes quite frustrating, but in the end it was worth it. Now I can take advanced math classes as a senior and get college credits and save lots of money. Another thing that I did this summer was taking apart a weed wacker motor. It was lots of fun learning about how the motor worked and was a fun way to spend time with my dad. One of the highlights of my summer was canoeing on a river in northern Michigan while we were camping. The river was quite fast in some places and was full of sharp rocks that could damage or flip a canoe. I had to be careful not to run into any of the rocks in the river or my friend and I might get stuck on a rock or flip! One cool place that I went to over the summer was to a cottage on lake Michigan. My great Uncle picked us up and took us on a ride along the shore of lake Michigan in his speedboat, but since there was so much fog on the lake we couldn’t go for long. I had a great summer, but I am also excited about starting a new year at ZCS.

While the Wold Watched


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 6, 2016

While the world watched is a book about what happened in Birmingham in the 1960’s. It talks about the racial injustices that took place, along with a bombing of a church that took the lives of four girls. One thing that stood out to me is how recent this stuff was. I thought of slavery as something that happened 200 years ago and then for a little while after the white people treated the black people bad, but then Martin Luther King came and changed people’s minds. Now I know that there was a lot more that took place, and that it was still happening 50 years ago. I learned that there was actually people killing people over this, before I knew that the black people couldn’t drink out of the same drinking fountains a white people and that they didn’t like each other, but I had no idea that white people actually killed black people, and bombed their homes if they were involved in the civil rights movement or arrested a person and blasted them with fire hoses simply for marching down a street with others.

I learned a lot about the civil rights movement and how bad things actually were at some points for black people. I think that it was just stupid how the color of someone’s skin would justify denying them a place at a hotel, an education, or even meant that it was ok to bomb their houses. This is important because the color of a person’s skin shouldn’t matter in how they are treated or what opportunities they will have in there life.

This book made me think differently about how people treated each other in the 1960’s. I hope that we learn from this and never repeat it again. I am glad that we decided to read this book in class. I have learned a lot for this book and it has changed my perspectives on the civil rights movement.

African Union Day


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 27, 2016

  1. What is the core problem of the situation in Kenya in your mind

I think that the very core problem of the situation in Kenya in my mind is that countries can’t just work out their differences and solve their problems. Then that leads to war, which leads to refugees, which lead to the problem of to many refugees in Kenya. I think that it would be best to have other countries to their best to solve their problems diplomatically rather than try to kill each other and hurt innocent people in the procese.

2. Do you feel like they were addressed yesterday?

I don’t think that the problem was completely addressed yesterday. We decided to bring peacekeeping troops to stop the war, but that is kind of stoping war, with more war. So I think that we sort of addressed the problem, but din’t really get to the very root.

Boat trip


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 16, 2016

On the boat trip I learned that the invasive spices called the sea lamprey traveled up the saint Lawrence river once canales were put in place and got into the grate lakes. I also learned that some fish only need  9 parts oxygen!



Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 20, 2016

One of the thing that struck me about the movie was how nelson Mandela could use a rugby team to unite a country, like how the security guards hated each other at first but came together for a common goal of protecting the president, the country had the common goal of supporting their team and that it didn’t really matter so much the color of their skin.

Hunting the Elements


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 17, 2016

While watching the documentary called Hunting the Elements in science I learned that Electrons decide the properties of atoms. I learned that if an atom is unstable it can be hit by an electron to start a fission reaction. I learned that scientists can bombard atoms with protons and elections to for new atoms.

Themes of the Old testament – Lowe Bible Exam


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 22, 2016


Theme 1: Names


Theme 2: Conflict and Doubt


Theme 3: Covenant



Theme 4: Call



Theme 5: Slavery to Salvation



Theme 6: Sinai Law



Theme 7: Sent to Promised Land



Theme 8: Salute to a King


Sombol of a lamp

Theme 9; Symbol of a Lamp



Theme 10: Something is Rotten


Slide to destroction

Theme 11: Side to Destruction

A savior

Theme 12: A Savior

Test mp3


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 22, 2016



Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 21, 2016

Test Audio


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 21, 2016

Themes of the Old Testament – Lowe Bible Exam


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 21, 2016


Theme 1: Names



Theme 2: Conflict and Doubt



Theme 3: Covenant


Theme 4: Call


Theme 5: Savory to Salvation



Theme 6: Sinai Law



Theme 7: Sent to the Promised Land



Theme 8: Salute to a King


Sombol of a lamp

Theme 9: Symbol of a Lamp


Theme 10: Something is Rotten


Slide to destroction


Theme 11: Slide to destruction


A savior


Theme 12: A Savior


MLK Day Blog Post


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 18, 2016


I think that one of MLK’s dreams has come true, he said ” I have a dream that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” I think that dream has come true because now black and white children can be friends.  

I think that some of MLK’s dreams have not come true yet. Like how he said, “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” Lots of people still don’t know Jesus and there is not complete equality for every one. 

DIY Instrument


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 18, 2015

Photo on 12-17-15 at 10.38 AM



My instrument is a Pvc flute. it is made out of pvc it works because when you blow on it it resonates at different frequencies.


Ancient Greek people


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 7, 2015

Your next, says the instructor, keep you head protected, stay on your feet. My instructors words echo in my head. I step into the sandy ring surrounded by a log fence that threatened to collapse. My shirt sticks to my back with sweat, I look at my opponent, a tall, muscular boy with broad shoulders. “Fight!” My Opponent lunges at me, I sidestep and swing at his side. “Uff!” He stubbles and takes a wild swing at my head and connected with my ear, pain exploded in my head. Almost as bad as when a brick fell on my head and I asked for if I could skip running practice for the day because my head hurt so bad, I got whipped for complaining.

Now I hit his jaw and spring forward knocking him off his feet to the ground, and he stayed there.

Everybody was amazed, I couldn’t stand to sit still in reading and writing, I don’t want to be one of those people who just sit and write scrolls. I want to be a warrior, a conqueror and hero. I can’t wait to go out with my friends tonight and steal some food from old angus. Oh no, the teacher saw me looking out the window, here she comes with her switch. I grip my desk and tense don’t complain, don’t complain “swat, swat, swat” the switch stings my sore skaby back but I know better than to complain, that would only worsen my punishment. When the teacher is done she scowls at me and keeps teaching.

After the class we begin the long walk home, our father is waiting for us, he was a helot but bought his freedom. The council of elders killed our mother for trying keep some our food so we wouldn’t go hungry during winter. When he was a helot he had to work all day long in the fields, growing food for the people he hated, when his village was conquered he fought back valiantly but was taken as a helot.

They waned us to work in the fields all day long till we dropped dead just to give most of what we grew right back to them while we starved to death. They refuse to trade for what we need because they don’t want us to be exposed to other cultures. But we aren’t Helots anymore and I can train to become a warrior and fight for my city like a true spartan.


What I have been learning


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 17, 2015

Math: In Math I am learning how to convert metric units which is good because the rest of the world uses metric units so it is good to be able to understand them.

L.A.: In L.A. I have been learning about how and where to put adverbs in a sentence which makes for a better sentence and makes you look more intelligent in your writing.

Science: One thing in Science that interested me was how there is a theory called Pangea that states that the world was once one solid piece of land and that the plates shifted and moved together.

Social Studies: In Social Studies we have been learning about ancient China and how it developed and its geography so that if some one is talking about China you know what places are like there.

Heat conduction


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 19, 2015

Heat Conduction


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 16, 2015

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