8th Grade Christian Persecution Research Paper


Posted by bgerritsma | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 29, 2017

Brad Gerritsma

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

9 March 2017


Christian Persecution Research Paper


It’s easy to get sucked into our own little isolated world, where we can be happy and comfortable. One where we can be well within our comfort zone, but around the world, on average, according to Vatican official Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi, over 270 Christians will die today for their faith. Christians have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted in countries today, such as, Columbia; however, there are things we can do to help these Christians.

Lots of people persecuted Christians in the past, many of whom were Roman emperors. Nero was one of the worst persecutors of Christians in his day. He loved to torment Christians day and night. In the day he would torture them by putting them in animal skins and let dogs tear them to pieces. At night, he would cover them in a flammable material and set them on fire to light the night. Many other Roman emperors persecuted Christians, including Domitian, under whose reign the mere confession of being a Christian would lead to death. Christians in the Roman empire suffered many things, but the most common thing they experienced was getting all the blame for bad things that happened to the people. Often times, natural disasters, storms and other misfortunes were blamed on Christians. In one case, Nero even blamed a huge fire in Rome on Christians because everybody thought that he had started it. Christians in general were thought of as mysterious, suspicious, and superstitious. The general public disliked Christians, and thought that they brought natural disasters on towns by angering their gods by not worshiping them.

Even today, persecution still exists, in places like Colombia, rebel militant groups like the FARC, (translating to “Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia”) persecute Christians. The beliefs of Christians and those of the rebels often directly contradict. Leaders of the FARC know that often, when members of the FARC are converted to Christianity, they will drop their weapons and refuse to fight, knowing that what they are doing is wrong. Christians in areas controlled by rebel groups face the worst persecution, with Church property being confiscated, and Churches being destroyed. Christians are harassed, and church leaders are sometimes even killed by rebel groups. Even through all this, the message of Christ is still being spread, one rebel leader even complained that the Christians were the biggest problem they had. Saying that whenever they arrived at some remote area there was always some nun with a Bible under his arm preaching about Jesus!

Even though people in Colombia are being persecuted, they are not without help. Many people around the world are helping the persecuted in Colombia. One man in particular named Russell Standel has been helping persecuted Christians, and spreading the gospel though the radio. He goes around to the most remote places he can get to in search of people to give his solar powered radios to. This is a huge tool for winning people for Christ and encouraging them in the faith through trials like persecution. Organizations like Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs do a lot for people who are persecuted. Open Doors helps to provide Bibles, evangelistic training, and other Christians literature to persecuted Christians and impoverished families. They also help to provide micro loans and job training. Voice of the Martyrs does a lot for the persecuted, not only through spreading awareness of persecution around the world, but also through outreach and support of persecuted Christians. They provide action packs for people in need, which include basic needs like a blanket, some clothing items, personal hygiene items, and most importaintly, a Bible, or gospel story book.

Christians have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted in countries today, such as, Columbia; however, there are things we can do to help these Christians. One of the ways that we can remember how to help persecuted Christians is the acronym PLEAD. P stands for pray for persecuted Christians, this is our biggest, and most powerful weapon against persecution, I can pray for all of those around the world who face persecution. L stands for learn about persecution, because we can only fight effectively against something that we know about. I have done this by learning about about persecution in Colombia, and other nations where Christians are being persecuted. E stands for educate, because if more people know, and are educated about persecution, more people can fight against it. I have done this through the persecution project. A stands for advocate, we have been blessed with freedom of speech, and we can use that to help the persecuted Christians around the world by writing letters to our leaders and officials. I have done this by sending a letter to Mice Pece about Christian persecution. Finally, D stands for donate, organizations that help persecuted Christians can’t do it on their own, they need our help. One of the easiest ways that we can help them is by giving money.    




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